It’s getting closer!

This Saturday, my mom and little sister and I are taking part in a charity 6 mile midnight walk to raise money for a local hospice! Now then, 6 miles doesn’t sound like a lot – but when you consider that I’ve done next to no exercize the past three months thanks to this illness (although somehow I’ve lost weight!?), and my mom has a serious back condition, it’s a pretty big ask (and as for my sister, she’s only 10, and I think 6 miles is a big ask of any ten year old, even one as sporty as my sister!).

Today I have managed 10 minutes on an exercize bike! It doesn’t sound like very long and it’s not great – and I’m hurting now –  but it’s progress, it’s more than I’ve been able to do for a while and every little bit goes toward helping me to believe that I can do this walk. I’m nervous, but I’m determined that even if it takes six hours and we don’t finish until everyone else is home and tucked up in bed, we’re going to finish. So many people have been wonderful in their support, helping us to smash our target of £50 and even double it, and I feel like I owe it to them – and, even more, to the people who require the service provided by the hospice – to cross the finish line, no matter how long it takes.

Once I wake up on Sunday (it could be late in the afternoon, just to warn you all!) I’ll upload pictures from the event to prove we did it. I’d like to thank everyone who’s sponsored us so far and to plead with you all, reading my blog wherever you are, to spare anything you can – even a pound! – to sponsor us in this. It’s not going to be easy but it’ll be so much easier knowing you’re all supporting us 🙂


Put on your charity hat!

In just over two months, I’m going to be going up to Wrexham and doing a 6 mile midnight walk around the (big) town to raise money for a great cause; the Nightingale House Hospice, which provides end-of-life care for people from a large area of North Wales and the borders with England. They desperately need as much funding as possible to continue doing the amazing work they do, and I’m proud to be supporting them.

Last year, my mom and I did the 10 mile walk, and this year it’s been shortened slightly to make it more accessible to people who wouldn’t be able to do the full 10 miles. Thanks to this, my little sister is also going to be taking part this year – she’s only 10 but she’s really excited about doing the walk and raising money. We’ve set a fundraising target of £50, but if we could raise more than that, it’d be brilliant – and if any of you could help us to raise that amount and more, we’d be eternally grateful! If not for me, for my little sister – she’s only 10 and yet she’s determined to do this, and any amount of support you can offer will be amazing for us all, and a great motivator for her if it gets tough.

If you do donate, either put your blog name down when you donate or comment to let me know you’ve donated online, and once I’ve done the walk, the page of my blog about the walk will become a list of recommended bloggers, so that everyone who comes to see my blog will get to see the name of yours there too, and will check you out. Make sure you let me know your blog name and I’ll make sure I make note of it so that it will go on the page.

When I posted the link the other day, there was a problem with the page, but we’re assured that it’s fixed now. If there is any donation you can make at all – it doesn’t have to be huge, any money you can give will help the charity immensely and motivate us to reach that finish line a little bit quicker – we’d be so grateful!

Time for a light-hearted post!

I’m going to ease myself back into blogging with a couple of light-hearted posts. To be honest, I’m not feeling an awful lot better, which isn’t a good thing when I’m on the last day of my antibiotics, but I guess it’s going to take a while. So, for my first light-hearted blog, I’m going to basically just post pictures of things I really really like. Sounds a bit simplistic – that’s exactly what it is, and that’s why I like it so much. I’ve been posting all these “Moom’s Views”, which I will continue with eventually, I have a draft of a post about Samantha Brick floating around somewhere that needs finishing and posting, and it’s all well and good but it gets a bit upsetting and miserable after a while, because it seems like there’s not very much about the world to celebrate these days. So, I’m going to celebrate some of the things that I like about life. Obviously top of the list is my boyfriend, my family and my dog, but I’m not going to post pictures of them – I want to protect their privacy and not force them to have their pictures broadcast all over the internet by me!

1. VW Campervans


If you’ve seen my Tumblr, you’ll have realized by now how much I love VW campervans. I don’t know what it is – maybe it’s the distinctly hippie air they all carry, which I do love, or just how amazing and rounded they look and how much they make me think of holidays and fun, and I love them! Personally my ideal one would be sunshine yellow like in the first picture, or sunset colour ❤

2. Disney

I love Disney, more than any other film genre (I think it’s possible to call Disney its own genre by now, because there’s nothing else that really applies to it. Animation could refer to anything and cartoons don’t quite cover it, so I’m gonna say that Disney is a genre of its own). There’s so many things about it – there’s always a happy ending and I love the fairytale ones. My particular favourite is “Tangled”, the Disney re-telling of Rapunzel, because of the amount of just plain beautiful scenes in it.


3. Gaming

I wouldn’t call myself a mad gamer, as in it’s not my whole life, but I am partial to the odd go on the PS3 every now and again – particularly Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Now, I wouldn’t say I’m a violent person, but I love that game – mainly because you can get rocket launchers and blow things up, but also because I’m fairly good at it considering I don’t think I’ve ever been good at shooting games before. I’m not going to post any pictures of this because I think everyone knows what MW2 is, and if you don’t, try playing the game – it really is quite fun. Downside is, I’m one of those annoying girl-gamers, who puts her clantag as “Girl” so that all the guy n00bz playing know that they’re getting decimated by a girl. I’m not just a mindless killer, however – I do also like playing games like The Sims (the third is my favourite) and Spyro 🙂

4. Haribo

Yep, I love Haribo. Not going to lie, I prefer Haribo to chocolate. Yes, I am a disappointment to the entire female side of the species, but what can I say? Chocolate gets sickly, I’ve never known Haribo to. And the variety! With chocolate, you’ve got three types – milk, dark and white. Yeah, you can have your fillings or whatever, but with Haribo, there’s just so many different types! In just one bag you can have foamy eggs, little hearts, cola bottles, gummy bears, rings – *sigh* it’s amazing! And then you’ve got Tangfastics, Super Mix, all the seasonal variants, mini packs – it’s just wonderful. And it’s happy! It really is a happy world of Haribo ❤


5. Llamas & Alpacas

Yes, I think we’ve all ascertained by now that I like llamas. Perhaps not to the extent of my little April Fool’s Day escapade (not enough to dedicate my whole blog to, and certainly not more than life itself), but I do really like llamas. I’m not averse to their fluffier cousins, the alpacas, either – in fact, I might even be inclined to say that I prefer alpacas to llamas. But really, how can anyone dislike the fluffy long-necked goat things? I mean, just the description of them is amazing! And their faces! Look at their cute widdw faces!



Aaaand that concludes my light-hearted post. Normal miserable service will resume shortly. Thank you for your patience.

A Writing Hiatus…

Part of me really wants to get back to writing, but my head’s really not in it at the moment. I tried writing up some notes for college last night and I managed to write ten words before giving up because my head just wasn’t in it (and the painkillers were wearing off). So, I’m taking a hiatus from writing my novel or anything else fictional for a while. Blog updates might also be a bit sporadic unless I’m extremely bored (which is likely, because I’m pretty much confined to this sofa with my duvet draped over me!), mainly because if I’m not writing, there’ll be very little to write about. I’ll try and do a couple of Moom’s Views posts if I feel like it, and maybe one or two about themes and challenges in writing, but apart from that, you may end up being subjected to my random ramblings whilst I’m dosed up on heavy duty painkillers, so I apologize for that.

One topic I do want to cover is Samantha Brick’s incredible rants in the Daily Mail over the past few days. I’m sure you’ve probably heard of her by now, even if you don’t read the DM – she’s been trending on Twitter almost continuously for two days, and newspapers and news programmes have been covering it. Read up on her, I’ll be posting about her later – and be prepared for a rant!

The other reason I posted this is because I want to thank two people who are amazing. The first is my mom – I don’t know if she reads my blog, but if she does, I want her to know that I really appreciate everything she’s been doing for me, especially the sweets and chocolate and comfort she brought for me when I was in, and how she’s looked after me and got me anything I needed even though she’s not very well herself. The second person is someone who is incredibly special to me, and he’s been wonderful – coming up to visit me, bringing me home, looking after me for about two weeks now and putting up with me being boring – I think I’ve spent most of the time he’s been at my house for the past week fast asleep, which isn’t exactly fair on him but he hasn’t once complained – he’s wonderful and I love him.