All Change!

I DID IT! I would have updated earlier to let you all know but, as you can imagine, I’ve been knackered! We did it in around two hours and a bit, which is great, and it was such an amazing feeling to cross the finish line, especially considering even up until the start of the walk, I wasn’t sure if I’d finish it. I’ve had some extra strength painkillers today because I really am hurting but it’s so worth it – as soon as we passed the hospice on the walk and I realized that there are people in there, right this instant, for whom the money we raised is so important, and regardless of how much it hurt I needed to carry on. I’m so proud – and I’m SO proud of my mom and sister who did it with me! We had a great night, and we’d like to thank Nightingale House Hospice for organizing it and making it brilliant.

So, the reason for the title of this post is because I have dyed my hair. Yeah, not really “all change”, but it’s a start. Well, I suppose there’s been a change of motivation too – I’ve decided that I’m going to do a lot more walking and get really healthy, because I enjoyed last night so much. But back onto the subject, I have dyed my hair. This picture doesn’t show it very well – I’ll try and get one in natural sunlight at some point – but I thought I’d show you guys 🙂

My hair is usually kind of mousy brown, recently it seems to have been bleached by the sun so it was going a bit ginger, but it’s now nearly black with red in it 🙂

It’s… TOMORROW?!?!

June 30th has come around a lot quicker than I thought it would. A couple of months ago, when we signed up to do this six mile Midnight Walk, to raise money for Nightingale House Hospice in Wrexham, I thought it’d be easy – we did 10 miles last year, 6 miles is nothing! I was ready to get out training nearly every day, and if I couldn’t get outside and walk I’d be on the exercize bike or at least jogging with the Wii Fit.

Then, along came a niggly little illness, and that put a stop to all of that. This niggly little illness refused to go away and is still with me three months later, and because of that, I’ve done next to no training whatsoever. That doesn’t mean I’m going to give up though. I signed up with my mom and my sister, and we’ve raised £115 in sponsorship money combining the amount we’ve raised online with what we’ve raised offline, thanks to some amazing people who’ve sponsored us. We are going to finish the walk, even if it takes us until 6am the next day – it’s going to happen!

So, when you think about it, considering everything that’s happened six miles is no mean feat for us, but we don’t care about that. We don’t care if it’s six miles or sixty miles, it’s worth it for such a fantastic charity who do such a great job. Now, I appreciate most of you who read my blog aren’t local, and may never be helped by this hospice, but think about those who will and their families, and how much even the smallest donation could help. There’s now 1000 women signed up for the walk – if we’ve raised over £100, think about how much help 1000 of us can give, but the hospice needs more to keep doing its fantastic job, and I’d really appreciate it if anyone reading this blog could just donate even a tiny amount. We don’t mind how much you donate, whether it’s £1 or £10 or whatever, but you’d be helping to maintain a service which is so sorely needed by people in this area!

Thank you!

It’s getting closer!

This Saturday, my mom and little sister and I are taking part in a charity 6 mile midnight walk to raise money for a local hospice! Now then, 6 miles doesn’t sound like a lot – but when you consider that I’ve done next to no exercize the past three months thanks to this illness (although somehow I’ve lost weight!?), and my mom has a serious back condition, it’s a pretty big ask (and as for my sister, she’s only 10, and I think 6 miles is a big ask of any ten year old, even one as sporty as my sister!).

Today I have managed 10 minutes on an exercize bike! It doesn’t sound like very long and it’s not great – and I’m hurting now –  but it’s progress, it’s more than I’ve been able to do for a while and every little bit goes toward helping me to believe that I can do this walk. I’m nervous, but I’m determined that even if it takes six hours and we don’t finish until everyone else is home and tucked up in bed, we’re going to finish. So many people have been wonderful in their support, helping us to smash our target of £50 and even double it, and I feel like I owe it to them – and, even more, to the people who require the service provided by the hospice – to cross the finish line, no matter how long it takes.

Once I wake up on Sunday (it could be late in the afternoon, just to warn you all!) I’ll upload pictures from the event to prove we did it. I’d like to thank everyone who’s sponsored us so far and to plead with you all, reading my blog wherever you are, to spare anything you can – even a pound! – to sponsor us in this. It’s not going to be easy but it’ll be so much easier knowing you’re all supporting us 🙂


Put on your charity hat!

In just over two months, I’m going to be going up to Wrexham and doing a 6 mile midnight walk around the (big) town to raise money for a great cause; the Nightingale House Hospice, which provides end-of-life care for people from a large area of North Wales and the borders with England. They desperately need as much funding as possible to continue doing the amazing work they do, and I’m proud to be supporting them.

Last year, my mom and I did the 10 mile walk, and this year it’s been shortened slightly to make it more accessible to people who wouldn’t be able to do the full 10 miles. Thanks to this, my little sister is also going to be taking part this year – she’s only 10 but she’s really excited about doing the walk and raising money. We’ve set a fundraising target of £50, but if we could raise more than that, it’d be brilliant – and if any of you could help us to raise that amount and more, we’d be eternally grateful! If not for me, for my little sister – she’s only 10 and yet she’s determined to do this, and any amount of support you can offer will be amazing for us all, and a great motivator for her if it gets tough.

If you do donate, either put your blog name down when you donate or comment to let me know you’ve donated online, and once I’ve done the walk, the page of my blog about the walk will become a list of recommended bloggers, so that everyone who comes to see my blog will get to see the name of yours there too, and will check you out. Make sure you let me know your blog name and I’ll make sure I make note of it so that it will go on the page.

When I posted the link the other day, there was a problem with the page, but we’re assured that it’s fixed now. If there is any donation you can make at all – it doesn’t have to be huge, any money you can give will help the charity immensely and motivate us to reach that finish line a little bit quicker – we’d be so grateful!