Why do exams even exist?

Beware me today, for I am full of teenage angst (which really isn’t as fun as Wizard angst, props if you get the reference). Revision is slowly divorcing my soul from my body and I am trying to keep thinking about that wonderful moment a week tomorrow when my exams will be over… and then I will have the wait for results.

Today is NOT a revision day…

I shall sum up what today is using my favourite method of expressing my emotions online. Warning, gif overload ahead.

Yeah. So that’s me at the moment. Don’t ask.

Inspirational Post #2

Today’s “Inspirational Post” has a distinct Disney flavour to it! Enjoy…


And finally this one, which has cheered me up whenever I felt down, and may have been included in the first “Inspirational Post” but who cares – it’s amazing and TRUE!

Oh, and if you have Tumblr, follow disneyandquotes.tumblr.com . That’s where most of these pictures have come from, and it is probably the sweetest and most inspiring Tumblr I’ve found. There’s something about Disney that is just so wonderful and inspirational, and that Tumblr captures the essence of that perfectly.