Too Many Revision Notes!!

On the bright side, I’m actually doing some revision.

However, I now feel like I have too many revision notes, and I like things to be short and concise and easy to remember (so why the hell did I pick three essay subjects, particularly Psychology????).

I’ve used flashcards to condense essays and I still can’t remember them. Here is just a few of the flashcards I’ve done (there’s a LOT there).

Yep. The only things getting me through revision are Facebook, tea and BBMing my boyfriend when I should be writing notes about the Multi-Store Model of Memory.


I am writing notes though! Check me out with my smarty pants self 😉 Or not…

Anyway, seeing as I usually end up posting a load of gifs or pictures I’ve found elsewhere on the internet, I thought maybe it’s time to post some real pictures of how the revision is going. It’s not actually too bad – at least I’m getting stuff done! Sorry you all had to see my ugly mush 😛

Inspirational Post #2

Today’s “Inspirational Post” has a distinct Disney flavour to it! Enjoy…


And finally this one, which has cheered me up whenever I felt down, and may have been included in the first “Inspirational Post” but who cares – it’s amazing and TRUE!

Oh, and if you have Tumblr, follow . That’s where most of these pictures have come from, and it is probably the sweetest and most inspiring Tumblr I’ve found. There’s something about Disney that is just so wonderful and inspirational, and that Tumblr captures the essence of that perfectly.