Camp NaNo Update: End of Day 7

Yeah… so I forgot to update you all the past few days… but that’s really because NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Seriously. I’ve hardly written at all.

Target Word Count: 11666

My Word Count: 9426

Chapters Written: Two and a bit.

Favourite Sentence(s) of the day: ‘You’ll learn to translate everything he says into newie speak eventually. Took me a few years, but I got there in the end’.

Feelings: Oh my life, why is catching up so hard???? I feel so far behind and I hate it, I just want to be caught up and not stressed, but giving up isn’t an option because I want this novel to be finished and written as soon as possible! This is the most difficult bit because I’m introducing characters. I can’t wait to get into the nitty-gritty of letting these characters interact and allowing the plot to progress!