And That Was That

So, there’s been exciting news in the world of… well, the world, today, with the birth of our future King – as yet unnamed, but my money is still on Tyler Mckynziie Kieanu Ashtyn Jamaal Mohammid Mountbatten-Windsor. It’s also been an exciting day for me; the final performance of our play, The Murder At The Vicarage.

Am I glad it’s over? Well, yes and no. There’s been stresses, as there are with any other show we do. It’s been tough at times, that’s for certain, and I won’t miss slaving away at my lines and getting worked up because it doesn’t come out the way I want it to. I am struggling with post-show slump at the moment, but I’m getting my hair done tomorrow which should brighten me up a bit. I will really miss the show and the people in the theatre group, and honestly I’m considering driving back from uni every weekend to be able to be in the pantomime! I love them so much; after six years they’re like my second family and I miss every one of them when there’s not a show happening.

Still, I suppose it means I can get back to writing. Camp NaNoWriMo went down the toilet, so to speak, and I’m actually trying to write a pantomime. Never written a full script before – a radio script doesn’t count, in my opinion – so it’s daunting but fun! I’ll keep you updated on that, with more details to come soon.

Anyway, this is me, signing off (for tonight) and heading for some sleep!


Camp NaNo Update #Whatever or, Where did the days go?!?

So, after what I thought would be just a weekend off – to attend a lovely wedding, which it was an honour to be a part of – turned into a full week off both uni and writing, because I’ve been poorly, and it’s set me waaay behind with Camp NaNo. That’s why there have been no updates or blog posts or anything – because there’s been nothing happening, basically. I’ve made minimal progress, and writer’s block has settled in, combined with the fact that I’ve been trying to write this radio show at the same time, and that gets prioritised because it’s uni work.

So, I’ve made my goal more realistic by slicing 10,000 words off. I’m now aiming for a relatively small 40k (it’s small in comparison, alright?) and although it pains me to do it, I think it’s for the best. At least I now have more than a snowball’s chance in hell of actually surviving to the end of NaNo without tearing my hair out – maybe winning is just too far out of my grasp, especially when I have no motivation or desire to write.

On the bright side, I get inked and my hair cut on Saturday, which should rejuvinate me a little bit. Well, here’s hoping, anyway…

Camp NaNo: End Of Day 9!

Target word count: 15000 words

My word count: 14,210 words

Chapters written: Two and a half and a bit

Favourite sentence(s) written today: ‘Or… let me guess, are you going to settle things the “New Manhattan way”? Punch first, ask questions later? Typically Neanderthalian of you. Then again, should I expect any less of a newie?’

Feelings: So, we’re almost a third of the way through camp, and I’m still behind. I’m slowly catching up, but it feels like every time I think I’m caught up, I’m faced with another setback. I really want to get ahead tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, to give myself the leeway of having the weekend away from writing.

Camp NaNo Update: End of Day 7

Yeah… so I forgot to update you all the past few days… but that’s really because NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Seriously. I’ve hardly written at all.

Target Word Count: 11666

My Word Count: 9426

Chapters Written: Two and a bit.

Favourite Sentence(s) of the day: ‘You’ll learn to translate everything he says into newie speak eventually. Took me a few years, but I got there in the end’.

Feelings: Oh my life, why is catching up so hard???? I feel so far behind and I hate it, I just want to be caught up and not stressed, but giving up isn’t an option because I want this novel to be finished and written as soon as possible! This is the most difficult bit because I’m introducing characters. I can’t wait to get into the nitty-gritty of letting these characters interact and allowing the plot to progress!

NaNo Update: End Of Day 3

Target: 5000 words

Word Count: 5132 words

At This Rate, I’ll Finish On: April 30th, 2013

Chapters completed: One and a bit.

Feelings: I’m back! It took a hell of a lot of words yesterday, but I’m back on track. Aim for today, whilst I wait for the other half to get back from work and take me to the farm so we can go see baby goats, is to get myself AHEAD of target! I’m feeling positive about where the story’s going – I’m rewriting it entirely from when it was by NaNo project last November, so I’m going in a new direction with more character development, and I’m already loving it!

NaNoWrapUp or, Winner!

So, my word count has been verified and I am a 2012 NaNoWriMo winner 😀 yes indeed, I wrote 50,000 words (and then some) in the fine month of November, and as we go into the last day, I hope anyone reading this who’s making that last push towards the finish line accepts my best wishes and cheerleading efforts, and a huge well done for when you cross that line and hit that target! For those who’ve already done it, congratulations! For those who didn’t quite manage – if you’ve got even the barest bones of a novel as a result of doing NaNoWriMo, you’re a winner in my book!

So how did my NaNo go? Well, it’s an interesting one. Originally, I had another idea for a story that was going to be my main NaNo, but a few days before it started, an idea came into my head. An already established character in Christopher Maine’s series, during her time at the Terra Firma Fleet Academy. A character I have an affinity for, because she’s based on me, essentially going through the upheaval I’ve been going through recently – leaving home, moving in with new people I’d never met before, making friends, going to new classes and learning new things. Those are the bare bones of the plot; I’ll leave the rest for you guys to uncover when you read it, hint hint 😉

So this was just going to be a little side story – my main NaNovel would be this idea I had a while ago, the one I’d been planning for and had even written a little bit of it (don’t worry, that bit wasn’t going to get used for NaNoWriMo, before I get accused of cheating!), and then when I needed a break from that plot and a little bit of light relief, I’d write about this character’s antics in the Academy.

How did that one work out? …. not like I’d planned it, let’s put it that way.

The original plans got shelved when I started writing this story, tentatively titled “Blue”, and realized that I loved it. Starting with an already-established character (and the blessing of her original creator, Christopher Maine, who gave me permission to create the origins story for her) really did help, because I already had the centre of my little universe – all I needed to do was build up that universe around her. At first I expected it to be difficult, but when it started, it came easily. Characters started appearing in my heads – some of them are ones you’ll recognize from the Christopher Maine books, as you should have all read them, I’ve pestered you guys enough! Others are ones who are entirely my creation – for example, two of her close friends were minor characters, both appearing just a couple of times in the main series. In mine, they’re main characters. However, her two best friends are completely mine, and they both have fairly well-rounded personalities and I’m really pleased with that, because characterization is something I usually struggle with a lot.

Another issue I’ve had this time is attempting not to Mary-Sue, but not with the main character – she has plenty of flaws, the real challenge is finding the good bits about her! (I’m totally kidding, she’s a lovely character but she definitely has her flaws) – it’s her best friend, who at the beginning was just a lovely guy and… yeah. Really vanilla, everything nice and sweet and kind about the world. I needed to find a fault for him, but instead of just throwing in a random one like being really nice and sweet and kind but having a random murderous streak, I looked at his positive aspects and figured out which ones could become negative. He’s loyal to a fault, doesn’t see when people are taking advantage of his kindness and his loyalty is often misplaced. I considered giving him a temper, but a) my main character already has plenty of that, as highlighted by the fight scenes I’ve put her in over the last few days, and b) that’s just not his personality at all. I’ve let the characters run away with themselves, developing their own personalities until actually, I find it hard to talk about them as characters – they’re more like people. I’m not saying they’re imaginary friends, I’m not in danger of having tea parties with them yet, but it’s been really useful because it means they write the stories, they decide what happens – I just have to get it all typed out before they go off on another tangent.

Usually, being ill during NaNoWriMo is a godsend – extra time for writing, yay! However, I’m ill at the moment and it’s not too shiny – I’m sure my wordcount would actually be even higher than the not-too-shabby number it currently stands at, which will stand as my NaNoWriMo final count unless I get any more done today (and manage to validate it in time). I’ve really just felt too ill to write at times, wanting nothing more than to curl up under my duvet and sleep it all away. I think for the last two NaNoWriMos, I’d stay up until stupid o’clock in the morning writing, but sleep has become a precious commodity at uni, so I’ve not been nighttime NaNovelling either (I’m on a bit of an alliterative kick at the moment, can you tell?).

So, what next? It turns out that there is life after NaNoWriMo, although it can seem pretty hard to believe when you emerge from that heady fog thinking “I just wrote 50,000+ words!…. now what?”. Well, there’s always NaNoEdMo – National Novel Editing Month, although for me I believe it’ll be NaNoFinMo, as I attempt to mould this novel into something publishable by June 2013 (I fully intend to take advantage of that CreateSpace offer I get for winning!). Once it’s finished, THEN the editing can begin! In short, this could keep me occupied for a long time.

When I started uni, I was worried I wouldn’t have much time for writing. I’ve found instead that actually, I have more time for writing than ever, because I actively make time for it. I don’t have homework – I set aside a little bit of time each day to work on my pieces for assessment, but once that’s over, apart from eating and sleeping, I can write all the time. Having the privacy of my own space is great, but so is being able to go into the lounge and socialize when I get bored of my imaginary friends and want to speak to some real ones for once 😉

So, onwards into December. If NaNoFinMo/EdMo isn’t your thing, it’s nearly Christmas! Oh, and there’s something called a life – I suppose it wouldn’t hurt any of us to get one, now that we’re not spending each day furiously scribbling/typing away, trying to hammer out these words. Now then, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to have high tea with some of my characters, they’re waiting quite impatiently for me.


Signing out (and watching the smoke rising from the keyboard as it breathes a sigh of relief),

Maddy x

(P.S – Want a better idea of what my novel is about? Buy Christopher Maine’s “Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet” series so far on your Kindle, tablet, smartphone or anything else with the Kindle app on it)

Dragon Flight: Renegade –

Dragon Flight : Wrath –

Dragon Flight: EndGame –

(P.P.S – He also has a blog! )

(P.P.P.S – Thanks for reading!).

End of week 3/start of week 4 NaNo update!

So today, if I can write 1,000 words in the next three hours (which shouldn’t be too big an issue, as the words are flowing really easily right now), I will reach 100,000 words. That’s 100,000 words in 23 days, at the same time as maintaining some semblance of a social life, sleeping and that little thing called uni. I’m quite proud, but also quite tired – I think sleep will definitely be in order when I’ve finished, although it could be a while – it’s going to be a trilogy of quite long stories! December is going to be editing month; my chance to polish what I’ve written and get it into a non-Nano format. I’m going to lose a lot of my wordcount because I’m getting rid of some of the bits I’ve written, but I’ll still be well over 50,000 words even with those bits removed.
So this afternoon I’m going to do a little bit of blogging, I think. First of all there will be an exciting announcement regarding Christopher Maine, and then a post about what happens when your character is based on you – and you realize that you’re starting to become a little bit based on your character!

NaNo Update – (Nearly) end of week 2!

I know it’s not quite the end of week 2 yet, but I figured a pre-emptive one was called for because I’m very proud – I reached 50,000 words today. This means I’m well on target for hitting 100k by the end of the month if I keep it up, which would be great. Then December starts and it’s editing time!

I’m quite impressed with myself, especially considering I had an assessment last week and I’m fairly confident with how I did. I thought this’d be the year I struggled with NaNo, but I think the combination of plenty of time to myself to write without distractions, and the bonus of having a story I absolutely love writing and keep coming up with new ideas for really has helped. I am loving everything about my novel so far; I’m well aware it’s only the bare bones and I have a lot of work to do, chopping and cutting and adding a lot of stuff in to flesh it out and make it more realistic, but I really am feeling confident about it. This could become the novel I work on for a good six months, if not more, but it’ll be worth all the time and effort because of just how great I feel. I love my characters, the majority are three-dimensional from what I can tell and I’m working on fleshing out those who need it, and I know what happens – I just need to write it and piece it all together now.

So, hopefully by next week I’ll be at 75k, if not higher, and ready for the final push towards 100k. I know it’s a case of quality rather than quantity, and at the moment my raw, naked novel has plenty of the former but little of the latter, but I know that with a bit of spit and polish in December, I could have a really great novel on my hands!


Happy novelling,

Maddy x