Camp NaNo Update #Whatever or, Where did the days go?!?

So, after what I thought would be just a weekend off – to attend a lovely wedding, which it was an honour to be a part of – turned into a full week off both uni and writing, because I’ve been poorly, and it’s set me waaay behind with Camp NaNo. That’s why there have been no updates or blog posts or anything – because there’s been nothing happening, basically. I’ve made minimal progress, and writer’s block has settled in, combined with the fact that I’ve been trying to write this radio show at the same time, and that gets prioritised because it’s uni work.

So, I’ve made my goal more realistic by slicing 10,000 words off. I’m now aiming for a relatively small 40k (it’s small in comparison, alright?) and although it pains me to do it, I think it’s for the best. At least I now have more than a snowball’s chance in hell of actually surviving to the end of NaNo without tearing my hair out – maybe winning is just too far out of my grasp, especially when I have no motivation or desire to write.

On the bright side, I get inked and my hair cut on Saturday, which should rejuvinate me a little bit. Well, here’s hoping, anyway…

Camp NaNo: End Of Day 9!

Target word count: 15000 words

My word count: 14,210 words

Chapters written: Two and a half and a bit

Favourite sentence(s) written today: ‘Or… let me guess, are you going to settle things the “New Manhattan way”? Punch first, ask questions later? Typically Neanderthalian of you. Then again, should I expect any less of a newie?’

Feelings: So, we’re almost a third of the way through camp, and I’m still behind. I’m slowly catching up, but it feels like every time I think I’m caught up, I’m faced with another setback. I really want to get ahead tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, to give myself the leeway of having the weekend away from writing.

Camp NaNo: End of Day Four

Target word count: 6666 words

Total word count: 7371

Chapters written: One and a half

At this rate, I’ll finish on: April 28th, 2013

Favourite sentence(s) written today:

‘Your Dad’s out. Did you want me to take a message for him?’.

‘What are you, his secretary now?’


Feelings: Writing helped to pass a relatively boring morning waiting for the other half to get back from work, and I spent about four hours writing to get up to that word count, so I’m not writing as fast as usual, but the quality is a lot better – in my opinion. I’m really happy to be ahead of where I need to be, but I need to keep it up and maybe try and get a couple of days ahead. I don’t like playing catch-up – I’d much rather have the leeway of a couple of days here and there where I don’t write, which is what I’ll be facing next week.

NaNo Update: End Of Day 3

Target: 5000 words

Word Count: 5132 words

At This Rate, I’ll Finish On: April 30th, 2013

Chapters completed: One and a bit.

Feelings: I’m back! It took a hell of a lot of words yesterday, but I’m back on track. Aim for today, whilst I wait for the other half to get back from work and take me to the farm so we can go see baby goats, is to get myself AHEAD of target! I’m feeling positive about where the story’s going – I’m rewriting it entirely from when it was by NaNo project last November, so I’m going in a new direction with more character development, and I’m already loving it!

Camp NaNo Update: Day Two

Target: 3333 words

Word Count: 1669 words

At This Rate, I’ll Finish On: May 30th, 2013

Chapters completed: About a third of one.

Feelings: I’m behind! I’m never behind in a NaNo event! It’s not a great feeling, so I’m eager to catch up and get back on track. I’m feeling positive, the creativity is flowing even if I’m battling a little bit of poorly-itis and a little bit of writers’ block. I’m feeling hopeful – things will improve and I WILL get back on track!

Greetings from camp!

Greetings! I write to you now from my little tent, perched on the shore of Lake Baty, in the wilderness of NaNoLand, where I am currently residing at Camp NaNoWriMo. It’s my first time at camp, but I’m having a great time – even if it’s taking a while to get used to it! It’s going to be a busy month – I have some uni work to do too – but I’m hoping that the relaxing surroundings of camp will help me get this novel finished. 50,000 words is my target – the novel is going to be longer than that, but if I can get 50k, I’m well on the way! (Rhyming too – impressive, eh?).

So, this is just a brief postcard to say I’m currently at Camp, and updates will be sporadic but mainly writing-focused, whilst I scribble away furiously at this novel!

Wish you were all here – maybe you should join me?