On the difficulties of distance.

This post is dedicated to someone in particular, and he knows who he is, but I’m writing it to illustrate just how hard it is to be apart from someone you love with all your heart.

I’m engaged to a wonderful, amazing man. I can’t help but smile when I see his cheeky grin, he can make me laugh with the things he says and he’s also the most caring, generous, loving person I’ve ever met. He never puts himself first, no matter how many times I’ve told him to. He’ll always think of others first. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man – I want to marry him and have a family with him, and if I could, I’d spend all my free time with him.

Now we’re going through possibly the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced – I’m now living an hour and a half away from him. “An hour and a half isn’t too far away”, I hear you scoff. Maybe, but petrol is expensive, and so are bus tickets, and even though we make the best of it, we can’t see each other as often as we want to. Next time I see him will be the first weekend of October, and whilst it’s less than two weeks away, it still feels like such a long time. We chat via webcam, and we call each other, and text all the time, but it’s not the same as being able to hug and kiss each other and just be together. I’d give anything right now to be cuddling up next to him, keeping warm in the cold and rain, rather than writing this blog post about how much I miss him.

I’ve taken him for granted in the past – I figured he’d always be right next to me, and I never realized just how much difference the distance between us would make. I knew I’d miss him, but I don’t think I was quite prepared for how much. Still, I know we’ll make it through this, because we’re both working hard to make a good future for us as a couple and eventually a family. It’ll all be worth it in the end, and I hope he knows that I love him so much – whether he’s ten minutes or two hours away, I’m his forever and I’m always there for him.

Forever can never be long enough for me

To feel like I’ve had long enough with you

Forget the world now, we won’t let them see

But there’s one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me…

Too Many Revision Notes!!

On the bright side, I’m actually doing some revision.

However, I now feel like I have too many revision notes, and I like things to be short and concise and easy to remember (so why the hell did I pick three essay subjects, particularly Psychology????).

I’ve used flashcards to condense essays and I still can’t remember them. Here is just a few of the flashcards I’ve done (there’s a LOT there).

Yep. The only things getting me through revision are Facebook, tea and BBMing my boyfriend when I should be writing notes about the Multi-Store Model of Memory.


I am writing notes though! Check me out with my smarty pants self 😉 Or not…

Anyway, seeing as I usually end up posting a load of gifs or pictures I’ve found elsewhere on the internet, I thought maybe it’s time to post some real pictures of how the revision is going. It’s not actually too bad – at least I’m getting stuff done! Sorry you all had to see my ugly mush 😛

Progress – or the lack of it!

Sorry, it’s been a few days since I last gave you an update, but that’s really because there’s been very little progress. I’ve got new ideas for new projects niggling at my mind, so I’m trying to push on with it and get on with editing book one and writing book two, but it’s hard – especially when I’ve got coursework and homework and projects coming out of my ears at the moment. I’ve not done very much editing at all – I’ve deleted a couple of sentences and that’s it, which really isn’t good. As for writing – I’ve written half of chapter one and nearly all of chapter two (I should NEVER write two chapters concurrently – I get so distracted and forget what I’m writing in one or the other) of book two, and I’m quite excited. I’ve got plans, I know where the series is going and where it will end, and I’ve got an idea of what I’m going to do afterwards, but that won’t be for quite a while to be honest. Got a lot still to do before I get to that point!

As for life… it’s going well 🙂 I seem to be up to date and doing quite well at college, even if I don’t enjoy it much, and even though it’s freezing cold outside, it’s actually relatively warm in my bedroom. I do wish I could shift this cough and cold, but it seems to be on its way out – I actually sang this evening! – and that these symptoms I’ve been having would go away, but I’ve had a lot of them since last year so I’m not expecting any miracles, especially as it seems to be getting worse 😦

Oh well – the show must go on, and I certainly intend to!