Inspirational Post #2

Today’s “Inspirational Post” has a distinct Disney flavour to it! Enjoy…


And finally this one, which has cheered me up whenever I felt down, and may have been included in the first “Inspirational Post” but who cares – it’s amazing and TRUE!

Oh, and if you have Tumblr, follow . That’s where most of these pictures have come from, and it is probably the sweetest and most inspiring Tumblr I’ve found. There’s something about Disney that is just so wonderful and inspirational, and that Tumblr captures the essence of that perfectly.

Time for an inspirational post.

Today hasn’t been the best day ever, for a multitude of reasons which I’m not going to go into for fear of boring you all to death with my angry and miserable rants. Instead, I’m going to take advantage of the fact that I can’t sleep (AGAIN) by making this a happy post full of inspirational quotes and stuff, which will hopefully cheer me up and make me feel better, and if you’re having a bad day or need a little bit of perking up, this might help you too.

So, I hope that cheered you up 🙂 I might try and make it a semi-regular thing – not making any promises, but that certainly cheered me up. So, if you ever stumble across my blog and find a post full of inspirational quotes (particularly Winnie The Pooh quotes, which have basically formed what I live my life by since childhood), you’ll know that maybe I’m not having a great day, and I want to reach out to anyone else who’s day hasn’t gone the way they planned and needs a bit of cheering up and a smile putting back on their face.