Now that I’ve got your attention, I’d love it if all you lovely lovely peoples could check out Christopher Maine. You may not have heard about him (I don’t think I’ve EVER mentioned him on my blog before, and especially not billions and billions of times  😛 ) but he’s a great up and coming author and he’s always been supportive of me, so time to return some of that support by asking you all to buy his book –


Follow his blog –


And follow him on Twitter!


Something very exciting is coming within the next month, but you’ll have to follow his Twitter and blog to find out what and when!

(By the way, sorry for being so rude in the title, but I had to get your attention somehow! 😉 )

If you like writing blogs…

… and you’ve paid any attention whatsoever to the constant barrage of advertising I’ve been bombarding you all with for the past few days (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dragon-Flight-Renegade-Tales-ebook/dp/B007B3CZF2/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_t_1 , by the way), follow christophermaine.wordpress.com . He’s the author of the book and has just started his own writing blog which I recommend you follow. Think of it as like the #ff (followfriday, for those of you not versed in Twitter) hash-tag, BUT on a Sunday. So, today is my #fs, Follow Sunday, and my #fs for this week is Christopher Maine! So, my dear followers, go forth and follow!