Still Plodding Along!

A quick writing update in the midst of all this university stuff; I’m still working on my project with regards to the Tales Of The Terra Firma Fleet series (by Christopher Maine, available now on Amazon!) and still hoping to have a completed first draft by the end of June. This should be possible; I’m hoping to do Camp NaNoWriMo in April, which should get me to the end of the draft, and then I finish uni for the summer at the end of May, which gives me enough time to edit if I can get it done. I have a CreateSpace offer that expires at the end of June so that’s my big deadline, and to be honest, it shouldn’t be too difficult – I’ll have been working on it for about nine months by that point, and considering the speed at which I write, it should be possible.

“Wait… your childhood was… happy?”

This is the first time I’ve written a story where the main character – as in the character I write about the most etc – has had a happy childhood. There are no skeletons in the closet, no awful memories from long-forgotten incidents arising, nothing. She just had a lovely, happy childhood in a lovely place with a happy family, plenty of family friends surrounding her to look out for her and it’s made her the person she is when I’m writing her. Well, it makes her who she is when she finds her feet and stops being such a *****, which she’s being at the moment, but being at the Academy has changed her a little so she’s struggling to find her feet.

The rest of the characters around her have pretty tumultuous pasts – well, some of them do. Others had happy childhoods, and others had quite normal ones – up and down but nothing out of the ordinary. I’m so used to writing stories where every character has a past, and something terrible has happened to them, and whilst it’s all well and good and makes life interesting, the brooding character with a troubled past is only interesting for so long – both to read about and to write about – so I felt like writing on a blank canvas, if you will. This is a character whose upbringing has left her quite a normal, well-rounded individual – so I’m starting afresh, I’m not having to look back and think “Hmm, would she really do this bearing in mind what’s happened to her?”.

There’s a lot of variety in my characters this time around, and I’m starting to properly develop them, which is making it a lot easier to write. One of the big themes so far has been how the Academy has changed people, based very much on how university seems to have changed people in just the short time we’ve been there, and having that right at the start of the trilogy has really helped me to get some developed, 3D characters who will only develop more and more as the novels go on.

Hey you guys!

So, as you may recall (and I make no apologies for bugging you all about it; because that’s just how I roll), I am a big fan of Christopher Maine, a new sci-fi author who is publishing his novels via Kindle Direct Publishing. In fact, I would consider myself his number one fan and unofficial publicist (although how he feels about me taking that role, who knows?). I talk about him a lot because he is a really awesome author and I really want him to do well – I think his writing is brilliant and I want as wide an audience as possible to read it.

He recently released the second book in his series, “Dragon Flight – Wrath”, for the Kindle and Kindle reading app, and if anyone has a Kindle, or a smartphone/tablet/etc, I’d really appreciate it if you could buy and read this book (and the first in the series, “Renegade”), and support him! He has a blog – – where he talks about his characters, his novels and some of the other writing he does, as well as posting excerpts and small stories for the readers to enjoy.

The book isn’t expensive – just over £2 in the UK and $3 in the US – so please buy it and read it, it’s a brilliant way of supporting an author whose talents have, as yet, gone fairly unnoticed!


And Another Thing…

No, I’m not referring to the book in the Hitchiker’s Guide series – I’m talking about a fellow author who, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know a thing or two about. I consider myself his biggest fan and unofficial president of his unofficial fan club, which is why he has his own page on this blog if you look at the menu across the top. His name is Christopher Maine, and he’s recently published his first novel in a series of ten, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” for Amazon Kindle. It’s a fantastic book and, if you haven’t already, I recommend you read it – and last night he hit his first quarter century, 25 books sold! So I’m very proud of him today 🙂

Putting on my shameless self-designated publicist hat on again, you can buy his book at and you can follow his writing blog, in which he (unlike me) doesn’t blather on about his personal life and instead focuses on his writing, challenges he encounters and the way he overcomes them. He also does something very interesting on there, he writes character biographies and posts them up, to give the readers some insight into the characters of the story without spoiling it for potential readers.

I think he’s going to be a big name in science fiction novels in the future so check him out and read his book! You can follow his blog here –

Just your friendly neighbourhood self-titled publicist! ;)

So, congratulations to Christopher Maine who, I am told, sold his 20th book yesterday! He’s very happy, having sold 20 in just under three weeks. I’d like to take the chance, as well as announcing it, to remind you of the link where you, if you have a Kindle or any device (Smartphone, ipad, laptop, computer etc) where you can download the Kindle Reading App for free, can buy the book!

If you can’t buy it, it’d be great if you could reblog it, or post it on any other social networking sites you’re on – blogster, facebook, twitter, etc – so that it will reach as wide an audience as possible!

Thank you!

*puts on advertising hat*

I’ve taken it upon myself to take on the duty of being a publicist for Christopher Maine. Whether he approves of this (indeed, whether he even knows I’m doing it) remains to be seen, but I’m quite excited about his new series, and his blogs are great, so it’s time for….



Yes, so we have Tawni the writer and Maddy the publicist. I can live with that. So, if you have an Amazon Kindle (and if you don’t, I recommend one – they’re brilliant!), or any mobile device on which you can download the Kindle Reading App (I believe all smartphones, ipads, laptops and computers can), I would like to recommend this book –

and this blog –

The things he posts are quite similar to my writing blogs (although he posts rather less frequently, so far his pattern seems to be one a day, so if you subscribe he won’t be bombarding you with sporadic blog posts in the way I do), in that he discusses issues and factors he’s had to think about whilst writing. So, if you like blogs about creative writing or science fiction, I suggest you check it out and follow him 🙂


*removes advertising hat*

That is all.



For Now!


Just a friendly reminder ;)

Christopher Maine’s book, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” is doing quite well but he still needs your support and I’d be really grateful if you could, if you have a Kindle or any device with the Kindle Reading App, buy the book! It really is very good. Alternatively, if you don’t have a Kindle or any device with the Kindle Reading App, or sci-fi isn’t really your thing, please share the link everywhere you can – internet forums which allow advertising, Facebook, Twitter, your own blogs. He deserves to do really well 🙂

Also, check out his blog 🙂 he posts about the writing process and some of the challenges he’s found 🙂

Thank you 🙂

If you like writing blogs…

… and you’ve paid any attention whatsoever to the constant barrage of advertising I’ve been bombarding you all with for the past few days ( , by the way), follow . He’s the author of the book and has just started his own writing blog which I recommend you follow. Think of it as like the #ff (followfriday, for those of you not versed in Twitter) hash-tag, BUT on a Sunday. So, today is my #fs, Follow Sunday, and my #fs for this week is Christopher Maine! So, my dear followers, go forth and follow!


I know I keep bugging you guys, but SERIOUSLY! Check out Christopher Maine’s first published novel, “Dragon Flight: Renegade”, available now on the Kindle. if you have any taste in reading material, you will not be disappointed by this! I’m really excited for the rest of the series and I really recommend it.

Also, the author now has a wordpress! , it’s in the building stages at the moment and is very early day, but check it out – follow him and BUY THE BOOK! A really promising up and coming author!