All Change!

I DID IT! I would have updated earlier to let you all know but, as you can imagine, I’ve been knackered! We did it in around two hours and a bit, which is great, and it was such an amazing feeling to cross the finish line, especially considering even up until the start of the walk, I wasn’t sure if I’d finish it. I’ve had some extra strength painkillers today because I really am hurting but it’s so worth it – as soon as we passed the hospice on the walk and I realized that there are people in there, right this instant, for whom the money we raised is so important, and regardless of how much it hurt I needed to carry on. I’m so proud – and I’m SO proud of my mom and sister who did it with me! We had a great night, and we’d like to thank Nightingale House Hospice for organizing it and making it brilliant.

So, the reason for the title of this post is because I have dyed my hair. Yeah, not really “all change”, but it’s a start. Well, I suppose there’s been a change of motivation too – I’ve decided that I’m going to do a lot more walking and get really healthy, because I enjoyed last night so much. But back onto the subject, I have dyed my hair. This picture doesn’t show it very well – I’ll try and get one in natural sunlight at some point – but I thought I’d show you guys 🙂

My hair is usually kind of mousy brown, recently it seems to have been bleached by the sun so it was going a bit ginger, but it’s now nearly black with red in it 🙂


So, the blog’s had a bit of a face lift. I loved the last theme – it was fun and summery and the bright colours were great – but I’m trying out some new themes and I’m going to pick which one I like best and use it permanently (or until I get bored of it!). I like this current one, the stars are an addition I’ve made but I think the design looks a bit winter-y, it might be more suited to Christmastime? Anyway, I’m going to post how a few of the blog themes look, and I’d love it if you guys can comment and let me know which one you prefer!

