Too Many Revision Notes!!

On the bright side, I’m actually doing some revision.

However, I now feel like I have too many revision notes, and I like things to be short and concise and easy to remember (so why the hell did I pick three essay subjects, particularly Psychology????).

I’ve used flashcards to condense essays and I still can’t remember them. Here is just a few of the flashcards I’ve done (there’s a LOT there).

Yep. The only things getting me through revision are Facebook, tea and BBMing my boyfriend when I should be writing notes about the Multi-Store Model of Memory.


I am writing notes though! Check me out with my smarty pants self 😉 Or not…

Anyway, seeing as I usually end up posting a load of gifs or pictures I’ve found elsewhere on the internet, I thought maybe it’s time to post some real pictures of how the revision is going. It’s not actually too bad – at least I’m getting stuff done! Sorry you all had to see my ugly mush 😛

What do YOU think?