One of those days.

WARNING – This blog may contain extreme pessimism and the tell-tale signs of a fed-up writer.

I really am just having one of those days today. There’s so much I know I could be doing, and yet I have no motivation to do any of it. I could be revising, but that would mean moving, and I’ve only just found a position I can sit in without it hurting. I could be singing, but I tried, managed three songs and had to stop because it hurt and I didn’t want to do it anymore. I could be writing, but my hands and my mind seem determined not to work together today so anything I write comes out rubbish and it’s really getting me down. The tiniest thing is irritating me, my back is still killing me and I have to get through college tomorrow, so I’m not in the best of moods at the moment – trying to avoid most human contact at the moment by shutting myself away in my bedroom.

So, the theme for today’s blog is how do you make yourself write when you really don’t want to? Usually I’d come up with a whole list of things you can do – listening to music, reading other books, reading through your old writing or just sitting there and literally forcing yourself to write because you can go back and edit it completely later on if you want, but today I’m going to say that when you’re having one of those days, just don’t write. Just face the facts that no matter how much you want to, it’s not going to happen, and anything you do write will either turn out as terrible as it could possibly be, or you’ll kill all your characters and create new ones just so that you can kill them too (both can be quite funny, but not when you’re in this kind of mood).

So step away from the computer before you commit an unforgivable literary crime. Your story will thank you but your mood will still probably remain as foul as ever. Oh well.

What do YOU think?