This blog is aimed at one person in particular.

And I’ve no doubt that this person will know who he is when he reads this (at least, I hope he will). If you do think this is aimed at you, and it turns out that it isn’t, I hope this blog makes you smile anyway. If you’ve already deduced that it ISN’T aimed at you, feel free to ignore this post. I mean, you can read it if you want, I’m not stopping you, that’s why it’s on my blog, but you don’t have to, and probably won’t see any relevance. I’m taking advantage of the only time I ever feel awake these days – in the middle of the effects of the co-codamol – to write this.

Anyway, to this one particular person. I want you to smile more – when you smile, it makes me smile, and you’re always saying you want me to smile more. Don’t worry about me – I’m ill but I’ll get better, and you ARE helping. The only thing that doesn’t help me, is you worrying that you’re not helping, because I end up feeling like a bad person and I get worried about you. Cheer up and look after yourself a bit – you’ve spent the last month running around after me, taking care of me and everything, and now you need to take care of yourself.

Don’t worry about me going to uni. Maybe we won’t see each other as much, but I’m only half an hour away. I’ll be home most weekends, and when I’m not, you can come up and see me, or we’ll always be chatting on phones/texts/letters (by the way, you owe me a letter, but seeing as you’ve been so lovely to me, we’ll let it slide). And as for me leaving you, give me some credit! I love you, silly, and I’m always going to love you – you and no-one else. No-one else will ever compare to you, and I don’t care what you say about there being people who are more intelligent or better looking or whatever – I don’t want them. I want you to stay with me forever because I love you and always will. You’re my sunshine 🙂

So, stop worrying your lovely little noggin about me, take some time to focus on yourself and remember that I’m always yours!

Now, I can feel a crash approaching so before I start wittering on about llamas (which, by the way, ARE REALLY IN WALES!!!) or something like that, I’m going to say goodbye. I love you 🙂