
I actually wrote some more on Chapter Ten last night! It’s been a few days since I’ve written ANYTHING that wasn’t homework (psychology essays will be the death of me, I’m sure of it!). It’s flowing quite well again and I’m hoping that will continue. I rather like Chapter Ten. I delve a teensy bit further into the backstory of one of the side characters who does play a rather important part in the book overall, and I’ve already introduced another interesting character in the chapter, who didn’t even exist until halfway through writing his name! He’s a bad guy who doesn’t want to be a bad guy any more, and may end up becoming something of a close friend/potential love interest for this side character.

So, all in all, yesterday was a progressive day on the writing front. It was quite a productive day overall, to be fair – got quite a lot done in Drama class, and then script reading last night was fun – we started on a script I really really like! Going to be really busy the next couple of weeks though – this week is alright, but next week, I have a radio interview on the 7th, exam results on the 8th and going to see Avenue Q with my mum on the 9th (Can’t wait!!!), then that weekend it’s youth theatre and singing auditions for a musical (not sure if I’m going to go for the singing parts to be honest), and the week after it’s acting auditions which I would like to go for. Whether I’ll get a part is another matter entirely, but fingers crossed!

And then that should take me nicely up to the last couple of weeks before Easter. And hopefully hearing back from the university soon – I’m terrible at waiting!

All you need is love…

So, today is Valentine’s day. A day of love and romance for many, but of loneliness for others. However, today I want you to spare a thought for a group of people, for whom this Valentine’s Day could very well be their last. 1000 people will die each year waiting for an organ transplant. Nearly everyone would take an organ if they needed one – but only 29% of people are on the organ donor register.

It’s a really quick, easy process – I joined when I was fourteen and found it easy, for goodness’ sake! – and you could do something really amazing and save a life when you’ve died. Since April 2011, 937 people have donated organs, which have been received by 2,497 people – but there are 7,626 people still waiting for a transplant, people of all ages, races, both male and female.

You don’t have to be dead to be a donor – you can be a living kidney donor – but you can choose exactly what they can take from you when you die. You’ll be dead – you won’t feel anything! So what’s stopping you from signing up to do something amazing when you die, and save lives?

Give the most amazing Valentine’s gift and sign up today –