I knew it would happen!

Right, some of you may remember back in January 2012… 18 months ago! – when I said I’m terrible at blogging, and this would probably not last until February? Yeah, I was a little bit wrong, but not entirely. I really am awful at blogging.

I’ve just been so busy! I’ve moved out of uni, meaning my room is now a complete state and needs me to sort it out sharpish. I’ve got rehearsals for the play, which I need to learn all my lines for. I’m trying to apply for my provisional driving licence, at the same time as getting ready to go on holiday and just a billion other things that are stressing me out to the max!

I really haven’t done much writing at all, to tell you the truth, and I really want to! Anyway, hope for more updates when life irons itself out… but I’m not promising!