Didn’t we have a lovely time, the week we went to Poole…

Again, by “we”, I mean my family and myself. Not you – although, if you did have a lovely week in Poole – or elsewhere – I’m glad to hear it!

So I’m back after a lovely holiday! I’ve returned to a provisional licence, a book on the highway code, a load of letters which (disappointingly) aren’t a specialist referral and a hell of a lot of unpacking and line-learning to do. I return bearing souvenirs; a couple of teddys – Little Daf, and Gascgoine the Gibbon – some postcards, and tonsilitis, which is quickly turning into a chesty cough. I’m not feeling incredible, but I’ve had such a great week that it doesn’t make me feel too sad!

Managed to get a fair bit of writing done – “Blue” is taking a break for a while because I want to retain my ability to write outside of Christopher Maine’s universe and create my own, so that’s exactly what I’m doing! I’ve experimented with both first-person and third-person perspectives and third-person is working a little better for me at the moment, so I’ll stick with that. Still no title to speak of, and it’s in the baby stages right now, but it looks like my July camp NaNovel is sorted! 🙂

Keep flying and stay shiny,

Maddy x