The Great Snow Conundrum


This is the weather forecast for where I live (as in, where I go to uni) this Friday. It looks great, right – well, if you like snow, which I do when I don’t have somewhere I need to be. The problem is, this week I’m meant to be helping out with a show with my old youth theatre back at home – if the snow comes in and stays in, I could have a struggle on my hands.

So what do I do? I can’t go home on Thursday in case I’m needed in uni on Friday, and it would be quite nice to actually have some snow. However, I really want to help out with this show and I don’t want to let them down. Obviously, if I can get home, I will – I just hate how the most enjoyable weather appears at the most inconvenient times!

… proving a point!

Just to prove that what I said about writing – as in, when you most want to write, something comes up and you have to stop, but when you’ve got loaaaads of free time, you don’t want to write anymore – I’ve been struggling for words all morning, trying desperately to write whilst I had loaaaaads of time to spare because I only have one lesson on a Thursday and it’s in the afternoon – and the words wouldn’t start flowing until I had about half an hour left until I had to catch the bus to college, so I had to stop writing even though my head was like “WOO LOTS OF PLOT POINTS AND NICE LITTLE DESCRIPTION BITS TO PUT IN YAAAAAAAY!”. Now I’ve got home, my head’s like “Blurgh. I forgot”.