Welcome To 2013!

So, welcome to 2013, and what will be my second year of blogging. Yes, I started this blog twelve months ago and didn’t really think it would get anywhere – like all my blogs, I figured I’d crash and burn by the middle of February. But here I am a year later with a blog that seems to still be going strong. Of course, most of my views aren’t actually people who read what I say – the majority of my referrals are people looking for “inspirational pictures”, so they stumble across my inspirational posts, presumably steal a few pictures and leave, never to be seen again.

Of course, there are some people I know of who do read my blog, and if you’re one of them, thank you and please stick around! I’m actually going to try and make this into more of an all-rounder blog so as well as writing and moaning about stuff, I’ll be exercizing my right as someone’s fiance to have bits about wedding planning in here, and I’ll also try and do a lot more about being a student – tips and tricks, a little student survival guide. I also want to review a lot more things; got some exciting stuff coming up over the next few months so that section of the blog should get a little busier.

For now, however, I shall leave you all to see in the year however you see fit and I hope that in 2013, you achieve everything you are hoping to achieve and that 2013 is successful, peaceful and happy.

Peace out,

Maddy x