And another thing…

Welcome to June! Hope it is a lovely, sunny month for you all. For us, the weather isn’t looking so promising – we’ve just emerged from a heatwave (well, a British heatwave – highs of about 32C, nothing compared to the usual 40C temperatures of places like Australia but hey, a lot of us are pale or ginger over here and we don’t deal with the sun very well) and entered what looks set to be the British summer, plenty of rain and cold temperatures and not much else all summer! Personally, I don’t mind – I’d like nice weather, but I don’t want it to be sweltering all the time. If we can have a week of nice weather for when we go on holiday, that’ll be peachy keen.

I hope all other aspects of June are happy for you all, just like I hope every month is happy for my lovely readers and followers πŸ™‚ for me, the month will consist of finishing my exams and struggling to adjust to life without homework or revision for the next three months, and starting to worry about results day no doubt. I’ve also got the sponsored midnight walk on June 30th – you can find out how to sponsor me on the page called, well, “Sponsor Us” (at the top of the blog), and please do sponsor us because it’s such a worthwhile cause – so I’d better get in training for that, and hopefully this will be the month where I really see a major improvement or, even better, the complete disappearance of this pain and illness πŸ™‚

So, pinch and a punch, first day of the month – happy June, everyone!

Remember Me?

Sorry I’ve neglected this blog so much recently. I knew exams were going to be mad but I had no idea how much. College has been an epic fail thanks to this illness so I’ve been revising like mad to make sure I have a chance of getting into uni! Add that with trying to have a social life, and yeah – it’s been crazy, and I think I’m starting to burn out. All this revision is catching up with me, I’ve ended up with one hell of a cold which, combined with having awful pains in my back every time I sneeze, Β isn’t fantastic. Really hoping things will get sorted soon, or that if they don’t I can maybe apply for special consideration because of how ill I’ve been.

On a brighter note, it’s sunny outside! Yeah, I’m inside revising but I’ve got a t shirt and shorts on and it’s lovely and warm and bright outside, which cheers me up a bit and makes revision a bit more bearable. I just hope that by the time my exams are over we’ll still have such nice weather, so that I can actually enjoy it – especially on holiday for my birthday in July!

I think the wait until August is going to be a really nervewracking one – before I was so confident for my exams, but now I’m terrified because although I know I am prepared because of the amount of revision I’m doing, I still feel somehow like I should be doing more (not sure what else I can do, really, other than go to college, which doesn’t really feel like an option the way I feel at the minute!). So expect either no posts at all as I spend all day, every day rocking backwards and forwards in a gibbering heap because I’m so nervous, or lots of frightened “ohmygosh I’m gonna fail” posts. Normal service will be resumed in September.

Time for a light-hearted post!

I’m going to ease myself back into blogging with a couple of light-hearted posts. To be honest, I’m not feeling an awful lot better, which isn’t a good thing when I’m on the last day of my antibiotics, but I guess it’s going to take a while. So, for my first light-hearted blog, I’m going to basically just post pictures of things I really really like. Sounds a bit simplistic – that’s exactly what it is, and that’s why I like it so much. I’ve been posting all these “Moom’s Views”, which I will continue with eventually, I have a draft of a post about Samantha Brick floating around somewhere that needs finishing and posting, and it’s all well and good but it gets a bit upsetting and miserable after a while, because it seems like there’s not very much about the world to celebrate these days. So, I’m going to celebrate some of the things that I like about life. Obviously top of the list is my boyfriend, my family and my dog, but I’m not going to post pictures of them – I want to protect their privacy and not force them to have their pictures broadcast all over the internet by me!

1. VW Campervans

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If you’ve seen my Tumblr, you’ll have realized by now how much I love VW campervans. I don’t know what it is – maybe it’s the distinctly hippie air they all carry, which I do love, or just how amazing and rounded they look and how much they make me think of holidays and fun, and I love them! Personally my ideal one would be sunshine yellow like in the first picture, or sunset colour ❀

2. Disney

I love Disney, more than any other film genre (I think it’s possible to call Disney its own genre by now, because there’s nothing else that really applies to it. Animation could refer to anything and cartoons don’t quite cover it, so I’m gonna say that Disney is a genre of its own). There’s so many things about it – there’s always a happy ending and I love the fairytale ones. My particular favourite is “Tangled”, the Disney re-telling of Rapunzel, because of the amount of just plain beautiful scenes in it.

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3. Gaming

I wouldn’t call myself a mad gamer, as in it’s not my whole life, but I am partial to the odd go on the PS3 every now and again – particularly Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Now, I wouldn’t say I’m a violent person, but I love that game – mainly because you can get rocket launchers and blow things up, but also because I’m fairly good at it considering I don’t think I’ve ever been good at shooting games before. I’m not going to post any pictures of this because I think everyone knows what MW2 is, and if you don’t, try playing the game – it really is quite fun. Downside is, I’m one of those annoying girl-gamers, who puts her clantag as “Girl” so that all the guy n00bz playing know that they’re getting decimated by a girl. I’m not just a mindless killer, however – I do also like playing games like The Sims (the third is my favourite) and Spyro πŸ™‚

4. Haribo

Yep, I love Haribo. Not going to lie, I prefer Haribo to chocolate. Yes, I am a disappointment to the entire female side of the species, but what can I say? Chocolate gets sickly, I’ve never known Haribo to. And the variety! With chocolate, you’ve got three types – milk, dark and white. Yeah, you can have your fillings or whatever, but with Haribo, there’s just so many different types! In just one bag you can have foamy eggs, little hearts, cola bottles, gummy bears, rings – *sigh* it’s amazing! And then you’ve got Tangfastics, Super Mix, all the seasonal variants, mini packs – it’s just wonderful. And it’s happy! It really is a happy world of Haribo ❀

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5. Llamas & Alpacas

Yes, I think we’ve all ascertained by now that I like llamas. Perhaps not to the extent of my little April Fool’s Day escapade (not enough to dedicate my whole blog to, and certainly not more than life itself), but I do really like llamas. I’m not averse to their fluffier cousins, the alpacas, either – in fact, I might even be inclined to say that I prefer alpacas to llamas. But really, how can anyone dislike the fluffy long-necked goat things? I mean, just the description of them is amazing! And theirΒ faces!Β Look at their cute widdw faces!

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Aaaand that concludes my light-hearted post. Normal miserable service will resume shortly. Thank you for your patience.

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition!

So, as you may notice, I’ve spruced things up a little around here. I liked the old design, but it was a little big dark, the writing was a bit too small and.. I don’t know, it didn’t really seem to have the pizazz this new one has. I’m feeling really summery at the moment and the bright oranges and the big font and the funky letters that this one has really reflects my mood, so this theme should last the blog the whole summer! Unless everyone absolutely hates it and stops reading my blog because of it, that is.

Another thing that’s new is that I’ve added two new pages, across the top of the blog. The first one, titled “Christopher Maine”, basically means that I won’t be bombarding you with publicity in the future about him, but I’d love it if you could have a look if you haven’t already, follow his blog and consider purchasing/sharing the link to his book. The second is somewhere you can ask me questions (either about myself, my writing or whatever else within reason), make suggestions about the blog and just express your views on it in general. It’s all explained in the page itself, go check it out!

Last but not least, as well as being able to follow me on Twitter (@maddyleigh94), you can now also follow me on Tumblr! I warn you, I’m a lot less “delving into serious issues and giving my opinions” on there – today my posts have consisted of things related to Glee and alpacas (my first favourite animal, closely followed by Adelie penguins and red pandas, if you were wondering), and before that it was mostly Disney. Tumblr is where I let my “Maddy” side out – on here I’m Madison, I’m all business-like and blogging (pfft, yeah right!), on Tumblr I’m Maddy, where I’m 17 going on 7 and still obsessed with cute fluffy things, glitter and Winnie The Pooh!

An apology…

I haven’t posted for a couple of days, and I apologize. On Friday evening, I had to go to the doctors and it turns out I’ve got a kidney infection (they had to call the pharmacy and tell them not to close to make sure I could get the antibiotics I needed!) which, if anyone has ever had them before they’ll know, is horrible. I can’t remember the last time I felt so ill, and thankfully the antibiotics are starting to work but the pain is still agony – it’s one of the worst pains I have felt for such a long time, and I just can’t get comfy, so I’ve spent much of the weekend hiding away under a quilt feeling sorry for myself.

Today I finally got myself outside in the sunshine, which was nice – it has made me feel better, but I am still hurting a lot so once again, I apologize for the lack of blog posts. I had my drama performance evaluation on Friday and it went as well as it could’ve done considering how ill I felt! Hopefully I’ve done alright though, because I can’t re-take that exam! So it’s been quite an eventful weekend this weekend, but not in a good way. I’m also really missing my boyfriend, who’s having a training weekend ready for his medieval group, but I’m hopefully seeing him tomorrow so I’m all smiles on that front πŸ™‚

I can’t get over how beautiful the weather is. It’s so warm and sunny, and apparently the beach has been pretty busy, and it’s so hard to believe that it’s only March! British Summer Time is here and in full swing, but I don’t know how long it’ll last! Knowing my luck, we’ll have this beautiful week of sunshine when I’m too ill to really enjoy it, and then BOOM, we’ll have three months of constant rain and thunder and cold weather. But I don’t want to jinx it, so I’m going to be happy for now and say, YAY SUNSHINE! Heard Louise Dearman’s first single, “Here Comes The Sun” today, and it’s so lovely and summery, it really got me feeling happy πŸ™‚

Hope you’ve all had a happy, sunny, smiley weekend!

A “Favourite” Kind Of Day….

Today is a favourite kind of day. More specifically, it’s MY favourite kind of day. The sun is shining brightly, and I don’t care how cold it may be outside (although, to be honest, I’m hoping it’ll be fairly warm – I think we deserve it after the almost constant cold snap we’ve suffered since December!). It’s a lazy kind of morning, the one where you don’t have to wake up at any particular time – you can get up as early as you want and watch the day begin, or sleep in and enjoy the last day of free slumber until the week begins again (but lets not think about the dreaded Monday just yet, eh? There’s a whole day of Sunday to appreciate first!).Β 

It’s the sort of Sunday where you sit, idly blogging away with a cup of tea, wondering what you’re going to do today. For me, the day will consist of a little more lazing around, a walk on the beach and then I’m going to see where the day takes me. That’s why I love today – you don’t need to make plans. Just go with the flow and do what you want to.Β 

I’ve got a cup of tea, the man I love beside me and the sun is shining down on the sea and the sand-dunes, which I can see perfectly from my bedroom window. It’s going to be a lovely day.Β