It’s all coming back to me now!

… my life, that is. Finally, my last written assignment for university this year is completed (but not yet submitted), and my final performance is a week today. Then it’s a case of sticking around for an open day a week on Saturday, going to see Hairspray in the evening (yay!) and then home for the summer!

Am I excited…. yes and no. I can’t wait to be home, because there’s so much exciting stuff going to happen, but I’ll miss my friends. I’ll miss having my own space, but I won’t miss having to kill my own spiders (found the first one of the year yesterday, a giant one that made me cry until I threw a box of washing powder at it, and I’m still not sure it’s dead). I’ll miss my course, but I won’t miss being weighed down with the work of it all.

Has university changed me? Definitely. For the better? I certainly think and hope so. More on that in a later post, though.

As for what this means for me, it means I can focus on getting better – and maybe getting a scan organised, if the doctors ever get around to it, so someone can actually stop me from being in so much pain. It also means I can do more writing – both fiction and my new venture, a comedy singer/sort-of-songwriter thing that I tried out at a comedy night. It went well, which has spurred me on to write more – videos to follow. It means I can relax and spend more time with Daf, my family and my friends, and I think that’s what I’m looking forwards to most of all 🙂