Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition!

So, as you may notice, I’ve spruced things up a little around here. I liked the old design, but it was a little big dark, the writing was a bit too small and.. I don’t know, it didn’t really seem to have the pizazz this new one has. I’m feeling really summery at the moment and the bright oranges and the big font and the funky letters that this one has really reflects my mood, so this theme should last the blog the whole summer! Unless everyone absolutely hates it and stops reading my blog because of it, that is.

Another thing that’s new is that I’ve added two new pages, across the top of the blog. The first one, titled “Christopher Maine”, basically means that I won’t be bombarding you with publicity in the future about him, but I’d love it if you could have a look if you haven’t already, follow his blog and consider purchasing/sharing the link to his book. The second is somewhere you can ask me questions (either about myself, my writing or whatever else within reason), make suggestions about the blog and just express your views on it in general. It’s all explained in the page itself, go check it out!

Last but not least, as well as being able to follow me on Twitter (@maddyleigh94), you can now also follow me on Tumblr! I warn you, I’m a lot less “delving into serious issues and giving my opinions” on there – today my posts have consisted of things related to Glee and alpacas (my first favourite animal, closely followed by Adelie penguins and red pandas, if you were wondering), and before that it was mostly Disney. Tumblr is where I let my “Maddy” side out – on here I’m Madison, I’m all business-like and blogging (pfft, yeah right!), on Tumblr I’m Maddy, where I’m 17 going on 7 and still obsessed with cute fluffy things, glitter and Winnie The Pooh!