It’s a miserable day.

So outside the rain is falling, the sky is murky and there’s a very miserable atmosphere. Inside, things aren’t much better. I’m feeling miserable today because I don’t feel well, I’m tired and I’m missing Daf very much. Friday feels like ages away and there’s so much to do until then that it all feels a little overwhelming. We’ve started getting information about our modules and while I’m glad there’s no exams this year, the amount of coursework and practical work makes it sound like a lot. I’m used to coursework – when you do three essay subjects for A Level, you can’t really get away from having to write loads of essays – but I feel like I’m out of practice. Also, it’s like going from GCSE to A-Level – I guess you’re writing at a whole new level now, needing to use a more complicated vocabulary, etc. This time it’s even more complicated – we have to do “Harvard referencing”, whatever that is (I know what referencing is, but not sure what’s special about the Harvard variety), so at the moment it’s all a bit overwhelming and I’m just hoping I can cope.

Had some information about the Great Birmingham Run on the 21st October; found out that the day after I have lectures from 11am-5pm, which could be interesting when all I’m sure I’ll want to do is have a foot massage and then curl up in bed and sleep for a week. I’m still feeling fairly confident that I can do it. Without having a car handy, I’ve had to walk absolutely everywhere – the only place I’ve gone by bus has been home, which is two hours away by bus so I think you can forgive me for not walking that. I’ve also been going swimming once a week, which seems to be improving my stamina and helping me tone up a bit.

So, it’s still quite a busy time for me. I finished “Where She Went” and I will review it soon, but it might have to wait until the weekend.