Bad Timing!

I feel like I’ve completely burnt out, ahead of possibly the biggest week since I started uni. We’re performing the directorials this week and honestly, I feel like everything’s just landed on me at once. I know all my lines for one performance but hardly know any for another, we’re really not prepared, and although right now I should be getting out of bed and going to my radio lecture, I’m still in bed because I feel so sniffly and worn down.

In other news, Train were incredible. My first ever band concert – the only other concert I’ve seen is Idina Menzel last year – and it was amazing. Such a good atmosphere and a phenomenal band, and the best bit was going to see them with my fiance. My Spotify is now full of Train songs – I’m listening to “Feels Good At First” right now.

I really do owe you guys a full blog post and some more stuff about uni, but right now I’m going to try and drag myself out of bed and get to this lecture on time. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going today – everything’s so confusing! – but I can’t wait to get into bed tonight and sleep!

9AM Starts Are Evil.

Before I started uni, I’d always see others moaning about their 9am starts and I’d think how lucky they are – they can roll out of bed and into uni (assuming they live in halls), whereas I had to get up at half past six to be at secondary school for half past eight. I now understand what it is that people hate about them. When you’re at secondary school, you’re generally still living at home – you have someone to force you out of bed. At uni, you don’t, and if your alarm doesn’t go of and you’re in a cocodamol-induced stupor, as I was this morning, a 9am start becomes your worst enemy.

Why was I in a cocodamol-induced stupor? Because in yesterday’s lesson, I was pulled into a door during a trust exercize (yep, that’s really going to make me trust someone!), and hurt my back. My back is already not in great shape, but yesterday it was hurting a lot so before bed, I took a cocodamol to try and help me sleep. It definitely did help me sleep – unfortunately it made me sleep for a bit too long, so by the time I woke up at half past 9, the cut-off point for being allowed into the lecture had already passed (if you arrive late but before half past nine, you apologize to the class and join in. If you’re beyond half an hour late, you’re not allowed into the lecture, which is fair enough because they don’t want you disturbing the others).

So instead I’ve been productive with my morning, finding monologues that I can use for my assessed piece in November – currently thinking of either Yvaine describing her love to Tristan from “Stardust”, or a monologue from “I, Robot”, although if anyone has any suggestions they’re gratefully received! – and tidying up my room, doing a bit of re-arranging and so on 🙂 Later on I’m going into town to buy a NEW ALARM CLOCK!

So, if you’re a school/college student and think “9am starts are easy, I won’t struggle with them”, think again – when you get to university, you might just be surprised. The biggest downside to independence I’ve found so far hasn’t been having to buy your own food or clean for yourself – those things are quite rewarding and you feel proud of yourself. There’s no pride in missing a 9am lecture because you don’t have someone to force you out of bed!

A “Favourite” Kind Of Day….

Today is a favourite kind of day. More specifically, it’s MY favourite kind of day. The sun is shining brightly, and I don’t care how cold it may be outside (although, to be honest, I’m hoping it’ll be fairly warm – I think we deserve it after the almost constant cold snap we’ve suffered since December!). It’s a lazy kind of morning, the one where you don’t have to wake up at any particular time – you can get up as early as you want and watch the day begin, or sleep in and enjoy the last day of free slumber until the week begins again (but lets not think about the dreaded Monday just yet, eh? There’s a whole day of Sunday to appreciate first!). 

It’s the sort of Sunday where you sit, idly blogging away with a cup of tea, wondering what you’re going to do today. For me, the day will consist of a little more lazing around, a walk on the beach and then I’m going to see where the day takes me. That’s why I love today – you don’t need to make plans. Just go with the flow and do what you want to. 

I’ve got a cup of tea, the man I love beside me and the sun is shining down on the sea and the sand-dunes, which I can see perfectly from my bedroom window. It’s going to be a lovely day.


Heh. So I guess I’ve bored you all enough with my personal life for a while, time for… *drumroll*…. a writing update!

I still haven’t started editing. I just can’t get my head into editor mode, although I really do need to do it, I’m quite tempted to wait until I have all three books in the trilogy written, and edit them all together to make sure everything corresponds and it’s all fresh in my head. Plus I REALLY want to write the next two books! I’ve got all the ideas buzzing in my head and I really would like to get them all written down. So, I am now on Chapter Three of Book Two, and it’s taking me a while because my head doesn’t want to write, it wants to sleep or play guitar or watch TV, but I’m managing to coerce it into co-operating somehow 😉

So, that was a rather short writing update but hope it provided a little change from the usual moanings you get from me 😉

As for writing…

There’s still not much to report on the writing front. I hadn’t done anything much until last night, when being poorly meant I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up sitting up for a while and forcing out a few more words on the story. I don’t really like writing at night – it tires me out, but I’m always sitting there thinking, “Maybe I could be asleep right now if I’d tried a little bit harder” – and I wonder if maybe the quality of my writing would be a bit better. Last night, however, I felt so ill that there was no way I could’ve slept unless I wrote until the point of sheer exhaustion, so I managed to finish chapters one and two (I started them both at the same time and was writing them concurrently – never again! It was such an effort to get them finished!). Not going to start chapter three until I’ve got a bit more editing done – I really don’t want to get any more done until I’ve made progress on the editing front, and so far, I’ve got very little done on that front.

One update is how I write them – I still use a computer, but I now save everything to the cloud, using Google Docs – I love how it’s easy to edit documents, it saves them as it goes along and you can download them as a word file to your computer too. It means that, should your computer crash and your hard drive gets wiped, you’ve got a copy of it – kept securely, so there’s no need to worry about plagiarism – on the cloud, which you can access from any computer anywhere if you sign in by email.

Will probably update the writing section of the blog next when I actually HAVE made progress with anything of note, which is why the blog’s been so heavy on the non-writing-related stuff recently. Keep reading, folks, I really appreciate the reads/likes/comments/follows!