…well this is embarrassing.

After my little April Fool’s joke the other day, my intention had been to turn it back to normal on the Sunday evening. That all went to pot when I ended up feeling really rather ill, and fell asleep quite frequently, and I really didn’t feel like picking up my laptop, let alone changing all the stuff back. So, I thought, I’ll feel better once I’ve been to the doctors tomorrow (thinking he’d give me more painkillers and send me on my merry way), and I’d change it back then (Monday). So, I went to the doctors, he examined me and said he was going to send me to hospital.


So I couldn’t take my laptop with me, and the signal in the hospital was so hit and miss that I couldn’t update by phone even just to let you all know that I will change it back eventually. I thought I’d be out by the evening, and I could update it then, but after being prodded and poked and jabbed with needles, they decided they wanted to keep me in overnight to have a scan the next morning. Yippee. So after an alright night and lots of painkillers (cocodamol is wonderful stuff), I had a scan and that came up clear, and I’d been told “you can go home if it comes up clear”. So, I thought the doctors would come along not long after and tell me I could go. No such luck – I was there until 8pm, by which time my boyfriend had come up to visit, and we demanded that I left. At the end of the day, I was taking up a bed someone else could’ve been using. It also didn’t help that the hospital is two hours away from my house, and I hated being left alone so far away from home at night. In the end, they let me go – but we found out that the doctors had left at 5pm without even telling me if the scan was clear! But I don’t want this to turn into a rant about the NHS because they were brilliant – the nurses were absolutely amazing and, considering they’re so rushed off their feet with paperwork as well as nursing (the bureaucracy in the NHS is disgusting and is what needs to be cut, not nurses jobs and pay!), they had time for everyone – but I knew I wanted to go home. It’s probably a good job I did, too – because the route up to the hospital is now blocked by heavy snow so my mom wouldn’t have been able to get up to visit or to pick me up if they discharged me at 8am this morning, which is probably what they would have done.

So now I’m at home, dosed up to the eyeballs on co-codamol and antibiotics and decided it’s probably time to explain what happened and to change my blog back to it’s lovely, un-llama-fied self.