My Proudest Moment!

So, yesterday the plaque for Harold Lowe was unveiled. I started my campaign for it two years ago, and to see it unveiled on such a fitting day – the 100th anniversary of the ship’s sinking – was perfect. It was a lovely ceremony and I’m very grateful to everyone who turned up – lots of people took the time to attend which was wonderful – but, more than anything, to Captain John Lowe, Harold Lowe’s grandson, who nearly brought me to tears by asking me to help him unveil the plaque. It was a wonderful ceremony and there seemed to be a few people struggling to remain dry-eyed! The choir were there singing Welsh hymns including “for those in peril on the sea”, the army and RAF cadets were there, as were members of Harold Lowe’s family and local dignitaries and press.

Ioan Gruffydd was invited but was unable to attend, but he sent a wonderful letter which was read out at the ceremony to everyone – and I was presented with a copy of the letter in a frame which will take pride of place in my bedroom 🙂 in short, it really was a wonderful day and a fitting tribute to a true hero, and I can honestly say that it was my proudest moment was seeing everyone crowding around the plaque, wanting to look at it, read it and take pictures of it. I was so moved by the number of people who came up to me and thanked me, but the truth is I couldn’t have done it on my own, it needed the support of local people to make it happen, and the people of Barmouth and the surrounding area were overwhelming with their support, and it was clear to see that everyone agreed that Barmouth needed something to commemorate such a great man.

If you’re ever in Snowdonia, come down to Barmouth and visit the harbour, and take a moment to come and see the plaque. I hope you will be inspired to learn more about the local hero we are all so very proud of.