An apology…

I haven’t posted for a couple of days, and I apologize. On Friday evening, I had to go to the doctors and it turns out I’ve got a kidney infection (they had to call the pharmacy and tell them not to close to make sure I could get the antibiotics I needed!) which, if anyone has ever had them before they’ll know, is horrible. I can’t remember the last time I felt so ill, and thankfully the antibiotics are starting to work but the pain is still agony – it’s one of the worst pains I have felt for such a long time, and I just can’t get comfy, so I’ve spent much of the weekend hiding away under a quilt feeling sorry for myself.

Today I finally got myself outside in the sunshine, which was nice – it has made me feel better, but I am still hurting a lot so once again, I apologize for the lack of blog posts. I had my drama performance evaluation on Friday and it went as well as it could’ve done considering how ill I felt! Hopefully I’ve done alright though, because I can’t re-take that exam! So it’s been quite an eventful weekend this weekend, but not in a good way. I’m also really missing my boyfriend, who’s having a training weekend ready for his medieval group, but I’m hopefully seeing him tomorrow so I’m all smiles on that front 🙂

I can’t get over how beautiful the weather is. It’s so warm and sunny, and apparently the beach has been pretty busy, and it’s so hard to believe that it’s only March! British Summer Time is here and in full swing, but I don’t know how long it’ll last! Knowing my luck, we’ll have this beautiful week of sunshine when I’m too ill to really enjoy it, and then BOOM, we’ll have three months of constant rain and thunder and cold weather. But I don’t want to jinx it, so I’m going to be happy for now and say, YAY SUNSHINE! Heard Louise Dearman’s first single, “Here Comes The Sun” today, and it’s so lovely and summery, it really got me feeling happy 🙂

Hope you’ve all had a happy, sunny, smiley weekend!