Bad days are always the most productive…

Ugh. Bleh. Ew and Meh. Those are all words which sum up my day. I have been feeling so poorly, struggling to move, had to miss a lecture and what would have been an interesting afternoon of filming because I am poorly and I hate it.

That said, today has also been oddly productive. I’ve caught up and zoomed ahead on Camp NaNoWriMo, so I’m now ahead of schedule and should have enough leeway to miss a couple of days of writing over the weekend. I’ve called up and booked in my third tattoo (there was me saying I’d have one a year at most; this is my third in the last twelve months!) in a week and a bit, and I’ve done a fair bit of uni work too, so I think I’m fairly caught up in that respect, and yet I still feel so ill!

So, despite the fact I’ve signed up for a 3 mile run (more on that later), and despite the fact I told myself I’d eat healthily, AND despite the fact I didn’t plan on spending any more money today, I have no choice but to drag myself to ALDI and see what vaguely-healthy-but-still-yummy things they have to make me feel better.

There will be a (rejoiceful) Camp NaNo update later!

If you feel like doing a good deed…

… and you’re into random acts of kindness because you’re generally a good person like that, which I know all my lovely blog readers are (that or you’ve all stopped reading my blog because of the incessant begging and pleading to sponsor me and I’m talking to myself here)…

… why not spare a few pennies, or even just a small space on your blog/facebook/twitter, to help us raise money for poorly children in England and Wales? Birmingham Children’s Hospital does an amazing job (I’m living proof of that) , and to show our appreciation, my fiance and I are running the Bupa Great Birmingham Run in October. Now then, for those of you who know me, you’ll know that running is never going to be my strong point, but I’m going to do it anyway – spurred on by the fact that my brother, whose last days were made comfortable by the hospital and its staff, would have been 15 on the date of the run, 21st October. It’s not going to be easy, I’m well aware of that, but it’d really help to spur us on if we know we have all your support, whether that’s by donating a little bit to my justgiving page – – or even posting messages of encouragement and sharing the link to all your friends and followers.  We could really make a difference to the lives of families and sick children; but we can’t do it without your help!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry to keep bugging you but if you read the full story on my justgiving page, you’ll realize why it’s such an important cause to me and my family, and why I’m so desperate to raise the money for them.