I’m Sorry.

I apologize for not blogging yesterday. I realized that I have been lying to you all since this blog began, and I had to do a lot of soul searching. It took me a whole day, but I came to a decision, and realized that I have to confess this, or it will drive me crazy.

I am not a writer. I have never written a book, nor even a short story. I don’t like writing – I don’t even like reading. I thought that if I pretended I was a writer, you’d all like me, and maybe I could convince myself to stay away from my true love – but I cannot hide who I am anymore. I’ve been hiding it from you, from my family, from my boyfriend and from myself, and all I can say is that I am truly sorry.

You have all been so lovely with your comments, and following my blog and reading it, and liking my posts, and I only wish that it was all true. I can only hope that you will understand why I pretended for so long, and accept my sincerest apologies, and perhaps, in time, support me in my new venture, the real reason I started this blog. You see, for a long time, I have been a llama enthusiast. I don’t just mean that I like the fluffy little buggers – I’m obsessed with them. My bedroom is covered in pictures of llamas. I sleep with a llama soft toy I’ve named Rodney, and I can honestly say he is my best friend. I’ve never felt the close connection that I feel to llamas with another human – it is as though, and I say this in all seriousness and plead that you will understand, and accept me.

I used to think that I had a problem. That I needed to be cured of this curse that has plagued me – but I am coming to terms with the fact that it isn’t a problem with me. I love llamas more than words can say, as simple as that, and if people can’t come to terms with that, it’s their problem and I can’t change that. I don’t have a problem – I am strong and confident, and I am proud to say that I have an obsession with llamas.

Maybe one day, I will become a writer. I have tried for years to convey my love for llamas through poetry, and for six years, I have failed – but there is still hope. One day, I will build a hostel, for my fellow llama lovers, and we will have a field full of llamas and a writing class, so that we can combine our love of our furry, long-necked friends with our desire to convey our adoration through words. Maybe.

But for now, I hope you will accept my apology. I hope you can forgive me, and accept me for who I am – a Llama Lover, and always will be.