Exciting News!

So, there’s a few bits of exciting news to tell you all about! The first is that the first read-through and casting of the musical summer school this year was great; I’m thrilled with my part and the song I get to sing, which is a favourite of mine! The musical is going to be great and I think it’s going to be a fun few weeks, which will take my mind off the impending results day!

The second bit of good news is that one of my poems, “Stardust”, is going to be published in an anthology by ForwardPoetry, which I’m really excited about! It’s the third piece of poetry I’ve had published but this is my favourite I’ve written so far, so I’m excited to see it in print! I’m also making small amounts of progress on my new novel, and that’s always a good thing, so things are going pretty well. Plus there’s the fact that I am turning 18 on Friday 13th July. Don’t worry though – although I’ll legally be an adult, I’m never going to be a grown up. I’ve heard too many bad reviews about growing up, so I think I’m going to pass on that one.

Well, I kept my word…

I said I wouldn’t start on Book Three straight away, and that I’d give it a minimum of the Easter holidays until I started. At the time, I never thought I’d stick to it – I was fairly sure I’d have given into temptation and started. I may have used slightly unorthodox (and out of my control) means, but I haven’t started writing the third book, and it might still be a while before I get around to writing it!

I’d pictured having a peaceful Easter holidays, going for walks, maybe going a couple of places, doing a fair bit of revision for my A Levels. That all went to pot when I managed to wind up ill – and since then, most of the time I’ve been so dosed up on co-codamol that I’ve been either asleep, going crazy or falling downstairs (that happened on Wednesday, and it bloody hurt – managed to fall onto my kidneys because I’m an absolute frickin’ genius!), so revision has gone out of the window. I suppose a lot of it has been peaceful – apart from the hospital, and the castle on Saturday and Sunday when I watched my boyfriend and his family and friends beat each other up with swords, flails and axes – but not in the way I expected it to be.

It hasn’t been all bad – I didn’t have to spend my whole Easter holidays in hospital, and I’ve got a weekend left to enjoy, and I got to spend time with the people I care about, which is always good. But my writing has seriously stalled, and I just hope that this isn’t the beginning of a massive writers’ block (it’s happened in the past, a couple of weeks off writing and I never finished that story), because I am proud of my progress so far and it would be a shame to lose it! I keep trying to write little things to keep my head going, just poems and stories, but I can’t even manage those – blog posts are the best writing I’m producing at the moment.

Oh well, onwards and upwards, time to enjoy the weekend and not think about writing fiction for a while. I suppose every writer needs a break – even if mine was forced!

When I can’t sleep, I write poetry!

Slightly influenced by the W.B Yeats poem, when I can’t sleep, I end up writing poetry. This one is for the man who’s changed my life – he probably won’t see this until the morning, but I want him to know how much I love him, and how wonderful he’s made my life – there’s a smile on my face that was rarely there before he came along.

There’s not much I can give you,

For there’s not much that I own,

But I want to thank you in some way,

For all the love you’ve shown,

I can’t get you a fancy car,

Not even one to share,

I can’t buy you a furnished house,

Or even one that’s bare.

There are some things I can give you,

And I will, I promise you,

My hopes, my dreams, my soul, my self,

And all my loving too.

Promise me you’ll stay with me,

I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,

And this today I give to you,

My heart, for all of time.

Thank you for the most amazing 13 months. I love you 🙂