Aaaaand we’re back!


So… um… where was I?

Oh, right. Before my life erupted like a volcano of… busy-ness.

Directorials are finished, and while in some ways I’m happy – no more lines to learn or rehearsals or stressing over it all – at the same time, I’m really going to miss it. ‘4.48 Psychosis’ by Sarah Kane is one of the pieces I was in, which we performed today, and it seemed to be really effective – I think the audience ‘enjoyed’ it, if you can enjoy that piece, and it seemed to have an impact on them, which is the important thing. I was very emotional at the end, that’s for sure!

So, back to normal functioning I guess – once I’ve shifted this illness. Yes, typical me – I managed to get myself poorly in performance week. Now that the performances are over, it seems to be fading away – rather, it did, but in the past hour or so it’s come back with a venegance. I have a streaming cold, my throat feels like sandpaper, it hurts to drink but if I don’t drink it hurts too, speaking is painful, singing is impossible… you get the idea. I’m convinced I would’ve performed better in the performances had I been completely healthy, but it’s made me excited for next year, when I get to be the director!

So the plan for the next few days is to do very little. I need to catch up on sleep and sort my life out – tidy my room completely and get stuff organised, do a bit more writing and make sure all of my work is completely up to date. Most of all though, sleep.

Talking of sleep, I think I’d best be drifting off now. Once more unto the breach, good friends, once more…

Tomorrow should be fun – or, the kidney saga continues.

Tomorrow doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a good day. I mean; it should be – it’s my first Monday free forever from college, so it’s a Monday where I shouldn’t need my alarm on, I should be able to sleep in all day or lie around doing nothing – but, alas, I have to go to the hospital to have another scan on my kidneys. It’s really painful so I’m guessing that as soon as I get home, I’ll be in my pyjamas and under my quilt all day, so expect many self-pitying blogs (hey, so what else is new?!) tomorrow. You have my permission to ignore everything I post.

I’ll only hold it against you forever.

Still, things could be worse – at least I’m one step closer to eliminating what isn’t wrong with me and finding out what is, and hopefully it’s residual pain that will fade soon. When I look at things in perspective, I’m lucky – I’m still alive, I have my family, I have my future ahead of me. There’s always something to be thankful for, and I have a lot of somethings 🙂