I’M GOING TO HOGWARTS! or, the dinosaur-related benefits of en-suite accommodation.

I’m so excited for going to university! It’s getting quite close now – I know I’ve got to get through my exams, and the anxious wait for results day, but it’s still about five months until I fly the nest, so to speak, and head off on my next great adventure, university! I went for an open day on Saturday and it was wonderful – everything about it is brilliant. I had an informal interview with one of the lecturers, who was really nice and put me at ease, it looks like I’m going to get some extra money for doing a couple of modules in Welsh, and I know what accommodation I want and everything! Best of all, I’M GOING TO FREAKING HOGWARTS. 

*ahem*. Sorry. That was my Harry-Potter-Fangirl side coming through there. I’m over it now. I’m so not over it Anyway, back to the subject. University. Eek!

I’m glad I’ve picked one that isn’t too far from home. I know how important it is to get a bit of independence when you go to university, but I can’t deny the fact that I am a homebird, and I have a lot of things at home that nothing will ever make me give up – a wonderful boyfriend and an amazing family. No matter how much I enjoy university or what’s going on, nothing’s going to keep me away from them, and I’ll be spending as much time as I possibly can with them. It’s not too far from where I live now, and I’ll still get my lovely views over the sea – a slightly different sea, admittedly, as I have a view of the Irish sea and up there I’ll be seeing the Menai Straits – but it’s still the sea and I’d miss my views too much if I didn’t have them. I hope my accommodation will be able to see the straits or I’ll be very tempted to commute every day from home so I can keep my lovely views 😛

There’s so many exciting things about getting ready to go to uni. I’ve finally decided that I am going for en-suite bathrooms, because I can afford it and it’ll be worth it for that little extra comfort and privacy, as well as the fact that the security is quite good, the building is a lot nicer than the old, shared accommodation (apparently it used to be an asylum, so I’d imagine it might not be too pleasant at night, particularly if you’re prone to bouts of paranoia like I am!) and everything about it sounds pretty good. The downside of going into en-suite does mean that there’s more stuff to buy for the bathroom, and I have to clean it myself, but everyone has to learn at some point, and it’s better to have to do it now than later! Plus, it gives me a chance to have a dinosaur themed bathroom as well as a bedroom (I wanted llama, but so far the only llama products I’ve been able to find were ones made out of llama, which (being a llama lover), is not what I wanted at all and actually made me die a little inside), which is always good!

So, here I am, ready to take on the world (or rather, university) and all it has to throw at me (as long as I can go back and see my boyfriend and family as often as possible). All I have to do now is get the grades….