Second time’s a charm!

So, here is another writing update! *fanfare* The second book is going much better than the first – it’s flowing better, bar a few pauses, and the word count is a bit more impressive – only thirteen chapters in, it’s the same as what I achieved during nineteen chapters in the first book (don’t worry – I’m going to iron it out during editing!). I think I’m enjoying this one more because there’s finally some interaction between some characters with others who they haven’t encountered before – the good guys are finally meeting the bad guys for the first time, whereas before it’s always been that at the start, they didn’t even know who or what they were fighting and then, they knew what they were fighting but hadn’t actually met them yet.

The chapter word counts are much higher, and yet I’m not really doing much different to what I did the first time around. The addition of a few new chapters in chapter one, which I’ll probably (maybe) get round to writing once I’ve finished the whole trilogy, should bring the first one into line with the second and the third, which I’m hoping will be the longest of all. I’m currently on around 58,000 with book two, which I think is slightly more than I achieved with book one.

This week might be a slow writing week for me – I’m doing a radio interview tomorrow afternoon, I’m at college all Thursday afternoon and evening rehearsing for my Drama practical exam and on Friday, I’m going to see Avenue Q the musical! Saving the best until the end of the week 🙂 So I probably won’t do much writing until Sunday (hopefully spending Saturday with my boyfriend, but he’s busy on Sunday so that can be my homework/writing day!). Normally I’d wish I had more time to write, but this way I can actually plan the next few chapters – I’ve been winging it since the start of the first book, so I really do think I ought to plan the last few chapters so that I actually have some kind of idea where I want it to go!


I actually wrote some more on Chapter Ten last night! It’s been a few days since I’ve written ANYTHING that wasn’t homework (psychology essays will be the death of me, I’m sure of it!). It’s flowing quite well again and I’m hoping that will continue. I rather like Chapter Ten. I delve a teensy bit further into the backstory of one of the side characters who does play a rather important part in the book overall, and I’ve already introduced another interesting character in the chapter, who didn’t even exist until halfway through writing his name! He’s a bad guy who doesn’t want to be a bad guy any more, and may end up becoming something of a close friend/potential love interest for this side character.

So, all in all, yesterday was a progressive day on the writing front. It was quite a productive day overall, to be fair – got quite a lot done in Drama class, and then script reading last night was fun – we started on a script I really really like! Going to be really busy the next couple of weeks though – this week is alright, but next week, I have a radio interview on the 7th, exam results on the 8th and going to see Avenue Q with my mum on the 9th (Can’t wait!!!), then that weekend it’s youth theatre and singing auditions for a musical (not sure if I’m going to go for the singing parts to be honest), and the week after it’s acting auditions which I would like to go for. Whether I’ll get a part is another matter entirely, but fingers crossed!

And then that should take me nicely up to the last couple of weeks before Easter. And hopefully hearing back from the university soon – I’m terrible at waiting!