Excited IS the word!

First of all, a little introduction so you’ll understand exactly why I’m so excited. Me and my fiance both love the song “Hey Soul Sister” and, as an extension, the band who wrote/played/sang it, Train. They’re like “our” band, we play their songs on guitar together, we sing them, we have it on in the car all the time – songs like “Hey Soul Sister”, “Marry Me” (my particular favourite, for obvious reasons!), and “50 Ways To Say Goodbye”. So whenever I hear one of their songs, I immediately think of him, and even though just recently it’s been hard because he’s back home and I’m at uni, just listening to a Train song makes me smile.

We also both like Mumford and Sons, and when I couldn’t get tickets for their tour, I was quite upset. Then, two days later, Train announce that they’re doing a small UK tour – only a few dates. So it was like fate, we weren’t meant to get the Mumford and Sons tickets because otherwise we couldn’t have had the Train ones. I was fairly convinced there was no way I’d get tickets – if Mumford and Sons sold out so quickly, what chance was there of getting Train ones?

This morning, I managed to get us tickets via the LiveNation pre-sale. Words can’t even describe how excited I am – me and him, going to see “our” band!!! So yes, I am a very happy bunny today. In other exciting news, I go home tomorrow for the weekend again! I know most people are quite happy to go home and then not go back until Christmas, but not me – I love my family to bits, and I don’t think I’d enjoy a weekend where I don’t see them and my fiance. I like it at uni, I’m making new friends and everything, but I still wouldn’t be here without my family, and I think it’s important to remember that.