Wedding Planning: “It’s Research, Honest”

It’s never too early to start planning your wedding – especially when that planning involves a holiday. 

I guess that this isn’t really wedding planning – it’s more I want to go on holiday with my other half and seeing as we’re engaged, we may as well say we’re scouting for a honeymoon location (partially true), I’m sure we can get away with that. 

On a more serious (and wedding-y) note, this post marks the first in what should be a long series of wedding planning posts. At eighteen I don’t quite feel old enough to get married, but in five years time (2018, which would be my ideal year, I think) I’ll be 23, and I think by that point I’ll feel ready. May as well start preparing now!

I am the least-organised person in existence, which is why I’m starting now – because, if I start now, there’s a chance I MIGHT be organised in time for 2018. Seriously, my “planning” so far has consisted of putting songs in a Spotify playlist entitled “Wedding” (I got the free trial of Premium yesterday and I love it, but not sure I’d pay £10 a month for it), and attempting to figure out Pinterest so I can make a mood board. I failed, so the mood board is out of the window. Oh, and I searched on Tumblr for “Winter weddings”. That’s pretty much the only productive research I’ve done.

Back to the “research” holiday – I want to go to Ireland. I don’t know why, but this summer I want to go to Ireland with my other half, and if it’s nice I’d quite like to go on honeymoon there – not too expensive, and it looks quite pretty from what I’ve seen. 

So, today marks the beginning of my wedding planning. We’ve got quite a few years (and a LOT of saving up!) to do until then, but I’m already feeling just a teensy bit excited! 😉