
I’ve realized that the soundtrack to this full trilogy I’m writing is almost completely made up of songs by Train, with one solitary one by One Direction (don’t shoot me! It’s the only song of theirs that I like, and it’s written by Ed Sheeran, so it’s not all bad!). I don’t know whether it’s the fact that Train is virtually the only music I’ve been listening to whilst writing, or just that Train have released songs perfect for every emotion and every occasion, and when you have a group of characters who go through the whole spectrum of emotions like mine do, Train is one of the only groups who could ever make music for each and every one of these.

It’s not just their more popular songs, although they have their place – “Hey Soul Sister” has definitely inspired a scene (yes, I refer to them as scenes, it’s the performer in me!). However, there’s others that are probably less well-known – “When The Fog Rolls In”, “Skyscraper” and “Hopeless” have all inspired some of the sad scenes, and when I imagine the novel being made into a film – which I often do, because it makes it easier to write in my opinion – the songs are always playing.