Semester One

So, last night was the final show of Blood Brothers, which marked the end of my first semester at university. I’m not sure quite what I expected my first semester to be like, but all I know is that it’s gone by too quickly, and I’ve really enjoyed it. At times it’s been tough – the work isn’t easy, but it isn’t ridiculously hard yet – but I’ve had a great time, made amazing friends, got some fantastic memories and I’m starting to get a clearer idea of what I want to do with my life!

So, what does next semester bring? A new timetable, new classes – including Movement Studies (eek!) and my elective, Radio Production (yay!) – and hopefully new exciting adventures too! First of all, though, I want to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing Christmas (if you know my family, you’ll know that the chances of that are slim!), and get a finished draft of Book One that I can edit and polish and make into something vaguely publishable by June. 

It’s been a crazy year, but I’ll leave the full musings on how I feel about my first full year of blogging until closer to New Year’s Eve – I don’t know if we’ll all survive December 21st yet! (for the record, I am joking – I don’t believe anything untoward will happen that day). Now then, I’d better get packing!

Autumn Nights

I’m walking along the pavement, my trainers crunching slightly against the concrete. It’s dusted with the barest hint of a sparkle; the tell-tale sign that a morning frost is inevitable. My breath is visible, curling plumes of steam against the cold, dark air, and it’s night-time. The air has that unmistakable smoky scent. My rucksack is heavy on my back and my heart is heavy in my chest, for I know the night would be perfect, if there wasn’t one vital thing missing.

The artificial turf pitch is lit up by floodlights, and choruses of joyful shouts rise from the men playing football as one scores a particularly impressive goal, and they share a victorious huddle. As I pass through the path that leads to the halls, a couple walk past, engrossed in each other, hand in hand, and it reminds me of what – rather, who – I am missing right now.

Even now, whilst I’m sitting in my flat on what should be a perfect evening – a bottle of cider by my side, my guitar close at hand and a good 6,000 words written today, as well as some university work completed – there is still something seriously missing.

I’m not great at describing things. I’m even worse at telling you what love is, or trying to explain what it feels like to be in love, but I think I can pretty accurately describe how it feels to miss the person you love. It’s like a part of you isn’t there – the people around you are urging you to go out and have a good time, but you’re not in the mood. You’d prefer your own company, but more than anything, you long for the company of that one person.

That’s pretty much how I feel right now, and I know that one person is reading my blog – so I just want you to know that I love you, I always will, and I can’t wait until my Autumn nights truly are complete because I’ll be spending them with you.


Christopher Maine!

His first book, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” (the first in the Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet series) will be available shortly on amazon – – and I seriously suggest that if you have a Kindle, you buy this book. His writing style is brilliant and if you like Star Wars or any other science fiction/space opera-style books, you’ll love this!

The description is as follows –

“2245: The ships of the Terra Firma Fleet patrol the vast reaches of space between the hundreds of new human colonies established across the stars. But their lives are about to be turned upside down.

A dark menace is about to strike at the heart of the Fleet, driving a blade deep into its core, sending fear and terror across the systems. The galaxy is thrown into chaos, and the crews of nine ships must face an uncertain new future, where their survival is not guaranteed.”

The book is action-packed and a thrilling read, and I recommend it to you all!