Even writers can get into the Christmas spirit!

I’ve taken a break from writing the full story I’m currently working on, to involve the main character in a Christmas story! This is something I always try and do whenever I’m writing a story at Christmastime – partly because it makes a nice break from writing the story and makes me want to carry on and get it finished, but also because you see people for who they really are at Christmas. You can tell a lot about a person from the way Christmas makes them feel and act. For example, you can tell my character is quite seriously lonely and depressed in the story I’ve just written – which, I think, makes the heart-warming little ending they get feel even better – and, because it’s Christmas, you can tell that something really bad must have happened to make her feel so down at this time of year.

I posted a story I wrote on Wattpad last night, I’m a little new to it so I have no idea how to do anything other than post my stories, but if you’d like to check out some of the stuff I’ll be posting on there – none of “Blue”, my current WIP, will go on there because my eventual aim is for it to be published on Kindle, and I’m concerned people might try and steal my stuff (that is a little vain of me, to assume that anything I write is actually worth stealing, but it’s still a concern). I’ll be hopefully posting some poetry if I ever get around to writing any more, and some short stories that pop into my heads now and then (the majority of them are very much pertaining to the universe of “Blue”, or at least to the wider universe of the “Terra Firma Fleet” series by Christopher Maine, so if you haven’t read those books, it may not make much sense, but I’d still love it if people could read my writing!


I’ll aim to get another blog up before Christmas, but I hope everyone is enjoying a warm and festive holiday season so far!

Hello there!

Yes, ’tis me, venturing out of my revision-induced seclusion to say hello and, once again, apologize for the lack of posts. I keep saying that normal service will resume shortly, and I assure you all that it will, but “shortly” might actually translate as June 20th, the date of my last exam. I’m going to try and keep coming in and posting, but I can’t guarantee how frequent it’ll be. In better news, my first exam is on Thursday! It’s drama, which I’m not too worried about but the way I’ve been recently, I can’t guarantee how I’ll be on the day of the exam or how it’ll affect my performance. I’ve tried to revise today but today is a painful day so I didn’t get much done.

I’ve started writing again! Not my old story, which probably isn’t a good thing because I do need to continue it, but a short story which I may even post at some point. It’s got a while until it’s finished – when I say “short”, it’s probably going to be around 20,000 words (is that a novella? Novelet? I can’t remember) but I’m quite proud of the idea so I hope it’ll be good enough for you all.

So, some exciting things that have happened/are happening at the moment.


– Exams are nearly upon me, which means they have nearly finished and then it’s the summer and then university!

– Christopher Maine has something very exciting coming in the next three weeks (check his blog http://www.christophermaine.wordpress.com or his twitter, @CMaine_Official for details).

– I have my face paints! So I can now paint faces. Whether I’m any good at it remains to be seen, but I now have some semblance of a face painting kit and I like it.

– I saw the Olympic torch relay! It was exciting and fun to see and something I shall tell my grandchildren one day, so that’s always a good thing.

– I have finally read the Hunger Games trilogy. I will review them at some point but I’ll give you a little taste of what you will find in my review. The word “awesome” will appear a lot, as will the phrases “up there with Harry Potter”, “Katniss is so much cooler than Bella Swan” and “if you never read another book series in your life, make sure you read this one”. I spent the day absolutely enthralled from the moment I started “The Hunger Games” to the moment I finished “Mockingjay”, and I’m convinced reading those books is what has made me feel like writing again 🙂