Moomintroll’s Book Of Thoughts

I intended to post this sooner but I’ve been neglectful of my blog, and I do apologize.

Look what my other (better) half got me for my birthday –


It’s “Moomintroll’s Book Of Thoughts”, and it’s lovely! It reads like a Moomin version of “Chicken Soup For The Soul” (another favourite of mine), and I thought I’d share some of the nicest quotes with you all 🙂

“By the end of the hairs on my long, long tail!”

It’s just a great thing to say in general. I think I should start using that as my exclamation of surprise in the future, rather than “oh my god” or the recent one, “jeez”.

“Moomintroll wrinkled his snout, but said nothing”

I like this one because it’s something I do a lot – I wrinkle my nose up when I’m laughing, and often I can’t control it and my nose wrinkles up anyway. I think I’m more like the namesake of my nickname than I realized!

“I’d raise my eyes towards the clear blue sky that musn’t perish, that keeper of the burning amber sun that I do cherish”.

I think that’s just lovely 🙂

“You bob along like a cork in the rainbow-coloured mist of the water, but the heavy surges keep pushing you back towards the shore. You end up being thrown back to the sandy beach, laughing and taken aback by it all”

I love the imagery and the simplicity of the statements… Tove Jansson writes what would normally be the most simple of statements, and yet he has a way of writing them that makes them beautiful.

“How wonderful to be a Moomin”.

How wonderful indeed 🙂

“He thought about the sea, the rain, the wind, the sunshine, the grass and the moss… and how it would be impossible to live without them”.

Again, such a simple statement, but it highlights the beauty of nature and just how much we take it for granted.

“Mamma, wake up”, Moomintroll cried. “Something altogether dreadful is happening. They call it Christmas”.

Just a random one that I like, it’s funny.

“We have to bring provisions along,” said Moomintroll.

This quote is quite nice in itself, but probably nothing special. It is nothing without the picture that goes with it –

“What an exciting life we live,” thought Moomintroll. “Everything could be turned upside down in a moment – for no reason whatsoever”.

“Isn’t it strange,” said Moomintroll, “that we who are going directly towards the most dangerous place are less frightened than those who are leaving it?”

“There’s no need to pretend that you are radiantly beautiful, because you are”.

“Then he held the lamp up high over the Snork Maiden and gazed at her thoughtfully. Her fringe gleamed in the lamplight; he saw that she was unbearably sweet”.

“Perhaps the happiest one of all was Moomintroll, who walked home with his mother through the garden, just as the moon was fading into dawn. The trees were swaying slowly in the morning breeze rising up from the sea”.