A New Venture…

Sorry I’ve been away so long.

This is just a short note to refer you to my new blog, which will explain my absence.

The Speed Bump

Enjoy 🙂

Bad Timing!

I feel like I’ve completely burnt out, ahead of possibly the biggest week since I started uni. We’re performing the directorials this week and honestly, I feel like everything’s just landed on me at once. I know all my lines for one performance but hardly know any for another, we’re really not prepared, and although right now I should be getting out of bed and going to my radio lecture, I’m still in bed because I feel so sniffly and worn down.

In other news, Train were incredible. My first ever band concert – the only other concert I’ve seen is Idina Menzel last year – and it was amazing. Such a good atmosphere and a phenomenal band, and the best bit was going to see them with my fiance. My Spotify is now full of Train songs – I’m listening to “Feels Good At First” right now.

I really do owe you guys a full blog post and some more stuff about uni, but right now I’m going to try and drag myself out of bed and get to this lecture on time. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going today – everything’s so confusing! – but I can’t wait to get into bed tonight and sleep!

Autumn Nights

I’m walking along the pavement, my trainers crunching slightly against the concrete. It’s dusted with the barest hint of a sparkle; the tell-tale sign that a morning frost is inevitable. My breath is visible, curling plumes of steam against the cold, dark air, and it’s night-time. The air has that unmistakable smoky scent. My rucksack is heavy on my back and my heart is heavy in my chest, for I know the night would be perfect, if there wasn’t one vital thing missing.

The artificial turf pitch is lit up by floodlights, and choruses of joyful shouts rise from the men playing football as one scores a particularly impressive goal, and they share a victorious huddle. As I pass through the path that leads to the halls, a couple walk past, engrossed in each other, hand in hand, and it reminds me of what – rather, who – I am missing right now.

Even now, whilst I’m sitting in my flat on what should be a perfect evening – a bottle of cider by my side, my guitar close at hand and a good 6,000 words written today, as well as some university work completed – there is still something seriously missing.

I’m not great at describing things. I’m even worse at telling you what love is, or trying to explain what it feels like to be in love, but I think I can pretty accurately describe how it feels to miss the person you love. It’s like a part of you isn’t there – the people around you are urging you to go out and have a good time, but you’re not in the mood. You’d prefer your own company, but more than anything, you long for the company of that one person.

That’s pretty much how I feel right now, and I know that one person is reading my blog – so I just want you to know that I love you, I always will, and I can’t wait until my Autumn nights truly are complete because I’ll be spending them with you.