Date A Girl Who Writes

This has just been posted on my wattpad, at , but I’m going to post it here too. It’s basically my tired, exhausted ramblings written at 1 in the morning when I should really be asleep, but it’s dedicated to Daf, who dated a girl who writes and apparently liked it so much he asked me to marry him! 

Date A Girl Who Writes

So there’s a post I found called “Date a girl who reads”, and it ends with the phrase “Better yet, date a girl who writes”. I’ve no doubt this has been done before, but this is my take on why it’s even better to date a girl who writes. 

Date a girl who writes, because she knows that just like her characters, you are more complex than just your experiences; your failures and achievements and what other people do and say to you. You are born with some aspects of your personality already formed; others will develop as you grow, and she will understand this. She will be encouraging and gentle, helping you to develop just as she helps her characters to develop. She will understand that, like her characters, she never really has full control over you, and she will never want it either. She will know that people, like characters, control their own lives and their own destinies, and that life, like stories, are more exciting when there are surprises.

Date a girl who writes because she’ll always see the other side. If you’re the villain, she’ll see the heroic side of you. If you’re the hero, she’ll see you as the demon you can be. Date a girl who writes because she will see you as a lover and an enemy, just as she sees her characters from the point of view of a writer, and from that of a reader. She will see you as the vile, vicious villain when you get angry at her, because she is the reader, and does not know enough about you. She will also see your troubles, and the circumstances that caused your outburst, and she will comfort you and love you because she sees you as your writer would see you.

Date a girl who writes because she’ll come out with pointless spiels similar to this, that make perfect sense and yet inexplicably, at the same time, make no sense at all. You can read it one morning and think “God, what pretentious crap is this?”, and then read it in the evening and think “Wow, this is so true”. Date a girl who writes because although sometimes she may forget to tell you, she’ll never run out of ways to tell you that she loves you.

Date a girl who writes, because a girl who doesn’t read will never know the joy that a book can bring. A girl who reads knows syntax, and cannot read a book without analysing it, tearing it apart into similes and oxymorons and metaphors and alliteration, until it becomes a lesson in English Literature – an experience few people want to re-live. A girl who writes knows these things, but she also knows that behind these similes and oxymorons, there are true emotions, that there is a reason for everything and no good writer uses a word without a reason. A wasted word is a heinous crime to the girl who writes.

Girls who don’t read can lie. Girls who read can quote. Girls who write can weave intricate tapestries of imagination, millions of thoughts and dreams in a beautiful silken spiderweb of threads, all of them linked by one common denominator – the girl who writes.

Date a girl who writes, because you’ll never struggle for a present at Christmas. She knows the true value of a pen and a pad of paper. Date a girl who writes, because conversations will never run dry. Date a girl who writes, because she will see the shapes in the clouds that no-one else can see, or animals in stars, forming constellations that haven’t even been discovered. She will take you on a new adventure every day, where every corner presents an opportunity for a story. Every person, no matter how quiet or shy or inherently plain they look, is a story waiting to be written, and the girl who writes will endeavour to write them all, whether physically or just in her mind.

Date a girl who writes, because she is never still. She is never quiet, nor is she ever inactive. Even when she is asleep, even when she is so engrossed in her writing, or in a book, or in a menial task, she is scribbling away in her head, turning every situation into prose, or poetry, or a novel, or a script.

Date a girl who writes, because she may not have the best vocabulary. A girl who reads can spout intricacies and delicacies and necessities like they’re going out of fashion, but a girl who writes will tell you that sometimes, details and nice things and things that need doing are just as good as those long words. Date a girl who writes, because she can make you sound completely illiterate with the inexplicably grandiloquent vocabulary she possesses, and in the next sentence, she can make perfect sense because she tells it just how it is.

Think of the future. Date a girl who writes, because her wedding vows to you will be incredible. Date a girl who writes, because you’ll never need to buy children’s books to read to your kids at bedtime. Date a girl who writes, because when your kids grow up, they won’t remember a very hungry caterpillar, or an owl who was afraid of the dark. They’ll remember the intensely colourful, incredible words their mother dreamed up for them, the characters who became childhood friends, the adventures that felt so real. They’ll remember the stories you won’t find in any book shop.

Comfort the girl who writes, when the words don’t look right and she can’t mould them to how she wants them to be. Praise the girl who writes when she reads you a piece she’s just written with pride blazing in her eyes. Love the girl who writes, when she gazes into your eyes and tells you that she loves you, for she above anyone else knows the fear, and the butterflies, and the sweaty palms and nervous breaths and ohmygodi’mgoingtomakeacompletefooloutofmyself of confessing a love for the first time, because she has written it.

Date a girl who writes, because if you date a girl who reads, your relationship will be based on a story. If you date a girl who writes, a story will be borne from your relationship – perhaps a story to be shared with the world, or perhaps a story to keep between the two of you. It will be unpredictable, the wildest story you’ve ever read. It will make you laugh and cry but above all, it will be true, because if there is one thing the girl who writes knows, it is life.

A girl who writes does not simply sit down at a computer, or with a pen and paper, and create a story. A girl who writes could be sitting on the bus, or in a cafe, or in school, or sitting on the toilet, or walking in the park, or visiting a zoo, or screaming her head off on a rollercoaster or comparing bags of frozen peas in ASDA, or watching a film in the cinema, or having intense, passionate sex, or riding a donkey on Blackpool beach, or doing the millions of things people do every day, and the story will course through her bloodstream, from her heart to her head, from her head to her fingers, and from her fingers to the paper.

A girl who writes knows how to use her head, but she also knows how to use her heart, and she knows that the two are so intricately connected that they cannot be separated. A girl who writes is passionate, even if she doesn’t show it. A girl who writes is expressive, even if she seems secretive. A girl who writes will bare her soul to the piece of paper or the computer screen in front of her, even if she won’t bare it to you. A girl who writes has the inexplicable ability to take her dreams and turn them into words – all kinds of words, short words and long words and beautiful words and ugly words, and words that will make you laugh or cry or feel happy to be alive or long for death, words that can change or reaffirm your outlook on life, words that will leave you feeling raw and vulnerable or rejuvenated and confident, A girl who writes knows feelings; she knows people; she knows you.

Date a girl who writes, because a girl who writes is a girl who laughs and cries and loves relentlessly, and trusts and hopes and believes and dreams and imagines and above all, lives.


One of the most beautiful blog posts I’ve ever read.

This blog post is just beautiful – read it.

Emotional outbursts….