My new blog!

Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean the end of this blog. I had an idea whilst I was browsing Amazon the other day – I found a book called Listography, where you basically document your life in lists. It sounds like a great idea, but I figured that why buy a book, when you can just make your own? That’s where 365 Days Of Maddy was created. I’m going to write one list every day for 365 days (and if I miss one day, I have to make it up by writing two lists the next day, and so on).

The reasons why I’m doing this? First and foremost, it’s something to do when I’m bored. Second, I think it’ll help me learn more about myself, and it might inspire other people to do the same. Thirdly, some of the lists I have ideas for – tattoos I want, things I want to do before I die – might be the inspiration to actually go ahead and do them. Some of the lists have been written in the past couple of weeks and I’m just waiting to post them up, others will be fairly spontaneous. If anyone has any ideas for list themes, please comment either on this blog or on the list blog!

I am going to post more on this blog, I promise – I used to update nearly every day, now the posts are getting more sporadic and so are the viewing figures. I appreciate everyone who continues to read this blog!

You can find my new blog at