Even writers can get into the Christmas spirit!

I’ve taken a break from writing the full story I’m currently working on, to involve the main character in a Christmas story! This is something I always try and do whenever I’m writing a story at Christmastime – partly because it makes a nice break from writing the story and makes me want to carry on and get it finished, but also because you see people for who they really are at Christmas. You can tell a lot about a person from the way Christmas makes them feel and act. For example, you can tell my character is quite seriously lonely and depressed in the story I’ve just written – which, I think, makes the heart-warming little ending they get feel even better – and, because it’s Christmas, you can tell that something really bad must have happened to make her feel so down at this time of year.

I posted a story I wrote on Wattpad last night, I’m a little new to it so I have no idea how to do anything other than post my stories, but if you’d like to check out some of the stuff I’ll be posting on there – none of “Blue”, my current WIP, will go on there because my eventual aim is for it to be published on Kindle, and I’m concerned people might try and steal my stuff (that is a little vain of me, to assume that anything I write is actually worth stealing, but it’s still a concern). I’ll be hopefully posting some poetry if I ever get around to writing any more, and some short stories that pop into my heads now and then (the majority of them are very much pertaining to the universe of “Blue”, or at least to the wider universe of the “Terra Firma Fleet” series by Christopher Maine, so if you haven’t read those books, it may not make much sense, but I’d still love it if people could read my writing!


I’ll aim to get another blog up before Christmas, but I hope everyone is enjoying a warm and festive holiday season so far!

New novel!

The third and final novel in Christopher Maine’s “Dragon Flight” trilogy, part of his “Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet” series, was released on the 18th November and is now available on Amazon for Kindles and devices with the Kindle Reading App (you can get it for Android, iOS, Windows phones and others so there’s no excuse for not having it!) .


Civil war has ripped through the galaxy, and with each passing day, more and more systems are attacked. The Marauders keep pushing towards the core worlds, and the Fleet remnants struggle to remain ahead of the chaos as each new day brings fresh pain to the already weary crew.

The wounds run deep and blood has been spilled. The shadow of loss hangs over the Fleet, the seeds of anger, hate and vengeance growing in the darkness. Now all that remains is revenge.

The pieces shift across the chessboard, and both sides race headlong towards ENDGAME.


Go forth and purchase, good readers!

My Weekly Publicist Turn!

Yes, it’s that time once more where I slip on my publicist hat and tell you all to buy Christopher Maine’s books if you haven’t already – they’re available for Kindle or any device compatible with the Kindle Reading App eg iPad, smartphones, most tablets. They don’t cost very much at all and they’re fantastic books, and I really recommend them, it’d be great if you could buy them and support a fledgling independent author!

You can also follow his blog where he actually sticks to the description of a writing blog, unlike me where I chat lots about my life and boring stuff and rarely actually talk about important stuff like writing and news and charities. Please follow his blog – http://www.christophermaine.wordpress.com – and buy his books, at – http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dragon-Flight-Renegade-Tales-ebook/dp/B007B3CZF2 and http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dragon-Flight-Wrath-Tales-ebook/dp/B0089CLIT8/ref=pd_sim_kinc_2 !

Hey you guys!

So, as you may recall (and I make no apologies for bugging you all about it; because that’s just how I roll), I am a big fan of Christopher Maine, a new sci-fi author who is publishing his novels via Kindle Direct Publishing. In fact, I would consider myself his number one fan and unofficial publicist (although how he feels about me taking that role, who knows?). I talk about him a lot because he is a really awesome author and I really want him to do well – I think his writing is brilliant and I want as wide an audience as possible to read it.

He recently released the second book in his series, “Dragon Flight – Wrath”, for the Kindle and Kindle reading app, and if anyone has a Kindle, or a smartphone/tablet/etc, I’d really appreciate it if you could buy and read this book (and the first in the series, “Renegade”), and support him! He has a blog – www.christophermaine.wordpress.com – where he talks about his characters, his novels and some of the other writing he does, as well as posting excerpts and small stories for the readers to enjoy.

The book isn’t expensive – just over £2 in the UK and $3 in the US – so please buy it and read it, it’s a brilliant way of supporting an author whose talents have, as yet, gone fairly unnoticed!


Kindle/Kindle App owners, LEND ME YOUR EARS!

(And your Kindles and your enthusiasm for science fiction).

Christopher Maine’s second book, “Dragon Flight: Wrath” has just been released for Kindle and the Kindle reading app, and it is amazing! I recommend it very highly and I would love it (and more importantly, I know Christopher would love it) if you would buy and read the book!


And Another Thing…

No, I’m not referring to the book in the Hitchiker’s Guide series – I’m talking about a fellow author who, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know a thing or two about. I consider myself his biggest fan and unofficial president of his unofficial fan club, which is why he has his own page on this blog if you look at the menu across the top. His name is Christopher Maine, and he’s recently published his first novel in a series of ten, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” for Amazon Kindle. It’s a fantastic book and, if you haven’t already, I recommend you read it – and last night he hit his first quarter century, 25 books sold! So I’m very proud of him today 🙂

Putting on my shameless self-designated publicist hat on again, you can buy his book at http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dragon-Flight-Renegade-Tales-ebook/dp/B007B3CZF2/ref=sr_1_7?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1329694430&sr=1-7 and you can follow his writing blog, in which he (unlike me) doesn’t blather on about his personal life and instead focuses on his writing, challenges he encounters and the way he overcomes them. He also does something very interesting on there, he writes character biographies and posts them up, to give the readers some insight into the characters of the story without spoiling it for potential readers.

I think he’s going to be a big name in science fiction novels in the future so check him out and read his book! You can follow his blog here – www.christophermaine.wordpress.com