Wanna read some sci-fi?

Then head over to Christopher Maine’s blog and check out his short stories – the Runner chronicles. They’re brilliant short science fiction stories, I’ve been hooked on them – and if you enjoy those, check out some of his other writing and buy his books, “Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet”, on Amazon! 

Science fiction has become a bit of a buzzword for me just recently; I can’t get enough of it. I don’t know if it’s because at the moment I’m alternating between writing science fiction short stories (set in Christopher Maine’s universe) and also a science fiction novel set (also set in that universe), but I really love it. I’ve also just finished watching the series of “Firefly” (I’ll hopefully be progressing to the film at some point soon) and I love it; so much so that I’m dedicating my next assessment to it by giving a presentation about the series. 

So I’m on a bit of a sci-fi kick at the moment. I’m making my way through the book of War Of The Worlds and my next television show I’m going to watch which I should have watched years ago is Stargate Atlantis. Let’s see where that one takes me!

Stay shiny x