One of the most beautiful blog posts I’ve ever read.

This blog post is just beautiful – read it.

Emotional outbursts….

When I can’t sleep, I write poetry!

Slightly influenced by the W.B Yeats poem, when I can’t sleep, I end up writing poetry. This one is for the man who’s changed my life – he probably won’t see this until the morning, but I want him to know how much I love him, and how wonderful he’s made my life – there’s a smile on my face that was rarely there before he came along.

There’s not much I can give you,

For there’s not much that I own,

But I want to thank you in some way,

For all the love you’ve shown,

I can’t get you a fancy car,

Not even one to share,

I can’t buy you a furnished house,

Or even one that’s bare.

There are some things I can give you,

And I will, I promise you,

My hopes, my dreams, my soul, my self,

And all my loving too.

Promise me you’ll stay with me,

I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,

And this today I give to you,

My heart, for all of time.

Thank you for the most amazing 13 months. I love you 🙂