Yet another post about why I am proud to be Welsh.

So, today my boyfriend and I went to the Eisteddfod. For those not familiar with it, it’s basically a mass gathering of Welsh people, mainly for competitions (in this case, as it was the Urdd Eisteddfod, for primary/secondary school pupils and those under 25) in singing, dancing (folk and disco), instruments and also art and design, poetry and other things like that, as well as being a chance for people to meet up and celebrate Welsh culture and the Welsh language. There are also lots of stalls selling Welsh goods and promoting services in Wales.

It was amazing! If you live in Wales and you’ve never been to an Eisteddfod, I definitely recommend it – this year is the first time I’ve ever been to one, because my school wasn’t big on entering people for the Eisteddfods so I never got a chance to perform at any other than local ones which were basically concerts in the village or school hall – because there’s so much to see and do – lots of displays, lots of stands to do activities at, a funfair and the tents and studios where the preliminaries and final competitions take place. The talent is such a high standard and it really is amazing to see so many people who are so young, performing so well in the Welsh language. It provides some hope for the survival of our language and culture, something I will always support (one of the main reasons why I’ll be taking some of my degree through the medium of Welsh).

So, I will always be proud to be Welsh, and when I have children, they will be brought up to speak Welsh as their first language, and if they want to, I’ll give them every opportunity possible to perform at the Eisteddfod, because I wish I’d been able to be a bigger part of them when I was young enough.