New Years and Nexuses (Nexii?)

I hope you all had a good Christmas and that Santa brought you everything you asked for. He certainly visited me, bringing the tablet I’m typing this review on now, my new Google Nexus 7. I’m going to review it soon (I’m aware I still owe you all a review of War of the Worlds, I promise there will be one eventually! 

I’ve been writing on the nexus and I have to say it’s a surprisingly easy experience. I’ve always struggled writing anything long on touchscreen phones, mainly because of the size of the screen. The nexus is great because it’s so big – not too big to carry around, but perfect to type and read (and Angry Birds is great too!). I’ve started writing a few short stories based in the universe of the Terra Firma fleet, and I’m enjoying it.

In a few days I’m going to try and do one of those contemplative blog posts about the past year (I’ll try and steer clear of the old ‘new year, new me’ bull) but until then, happy new year!

the downsides of writing everything “to the cloud”…

… is that when your internet goes down, you’re screwed.

Chapter Eight was going really well last night – I wrote over 1000 words in 20 minutes, which may actually be a new record for me, until my internet stopped working. Thankfully, Google Docs saves everything automatically, so I haven’t lost anything (I’d be feeling murderous if I had, I HATE losing my work!) but it was still annoying. Still, I suppose it was a sign that I needed to go to bed – I was quite tired by the time I stopped writing!

As for writing…

There’s still not much to report on the writing front. I hadn’t done anything much until last night, when being poorly meant I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up sitting up for a while and forcing out a few more words on the story. I don’t really like writing at night – it tires me out, but I’m always sitting there thinking, “Maybe I could be asleep right now if I’d tried a little bit harder” – and I wonder if maybe the quality of my writing would be a bit better. Last night, however, I felt so ill that there was no way I could’ve slept unless I wrote until the point of sheer exhaustion, so I managed to finish chapters one and two (I started them both at the same time and was writing them concurrently – never again! It was such an effort to get them finished!). Not going to start chapter three until I’ve got a bit more editing done – I really don’t want to get any more done until I’ve made progress on the editing front, and so far, I’ve got very little done on that front.

One update is how I write them – I still use a computer, but I now save everything to the cloud, using Google Docs – I love how it’s easy to edit documents, it saves them as it goes along and you can download them as a word file to your computer too. It means that, should your computer crash and your hard drive gets wiped, you’ve got a copy of it – kept securely, so there’s no need to worry about plagiarism – on the cloud, which you can access from any computer anywhere if you sign in by email.

Will probably update the writing section of the blog next when I actually HAVE made progress with anything of note, which is why the blog’s been so heavy on the non-writing-related stuff recently. Keep reading, folks, I really appreciate the reads/likes/comments/follows!