We did it!!!

It took us 4 hours 31 minutes and 33 seconds.

We were the very last to cross the finish line.

At one point, we were told we were “out of the race”.


BUT WE DID IT! Yes, yesterday we ran (or walked) a half marathon, raising around £400 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the process. Who cares if I ended up with tendonitis and blisters (and my fiance, annoyingly, is aching but has the acting skills to pretend he isn’t)? It’s all for a good cause, and we had a pretty good time too! Crossing the finish line was an intensely emotional experience, especially because as we crossed, the announcer called out our names and said we were doing it for a great reason. We crossed holding a Welsh flag with “For Owain” on it, and I’m not sure there’s ever been a better birthday present that could be given than to raise £400 for the hospital who made the last days of his life comfortable.

You can still sponsor us at www.justgiving.com/madison-matthews or www.justgiving.com/dafydd-williams09, please do so!!!