Operation: Pancake!

So, we had a mixed bag of results with our pancakes this year. The first ones didn’t go so well – especially my first one, which I attempted to make on my own, panicked halfway through and handed the reins over to my dad, and I ended up with more of a soggy yorkshire pudding with the flu than a tasty pancake (it still tasted alright, especially because it had been drowned in maple syrup!)

Then we made more, and they actually turned out pretty awesome! I made mine and it went really well – and then I made one for my mom and one for my brother, and they both seemed pretty impressed! (Mine is the one that’s full and round and beautiful, and then in the next picture, it’s been cut in half, one half has sugar and lemon and the other has chocolate spread and squirty cream!).

So all in all, Operation:Pancake has gone succesfully for another year. Now we have tomorrow – Operation:Mom’s Birthday to look forwards to. I won’t disclose how old she’ll be (she might kill me!) but I will say that as a mother, she is life, the universe and everything 😛 aaand this blog post probably won’t last very long once she’s seen it! So…



I’m itching to get on with Chapter Seven! Chapter six is done, slightly more enjoyable to write than chapter five but not a great deal, and I don’t even know why I’m so desperate to start on chapter seven. Nothing particularly exciting is supposed to happen in it (although my characters do have this funny way of surprising me sometimes, and taking the story in a completely different direction to how it was meant to go), but it’s like – I’m really enjoying actually making progress on it. Too many times I’ve got so far through something and then given up, and I’m determined not to do that this time.

The fact that it’s half term is helping a lot – and the fact that I only had a teensy bit of homework (as far as I know, I wasn’t even in English the last two days so I could have a mountain of it and not even know about it), and I’ve done all that, so I can just focus on writing and having a social life, which is nice. I can’t wait for the summer holidays – no homework to do and no college to go back to afterwards – just the terrifying prospect of *gulp* results day and *bigger gulp* (possibly) university!

I suppose I’ll have more to talk about on the writing side of this blog when I start university, considering it’s now English and Creative Writing or Journalism I’m going for. Why I didn’t pick them in the first place, I don’t know – I’ve always loved writing and journalism, and I’m pretty good at English – but I got caught up in “ooh I like acting and singing, LET’S DO DRAMA!”, before realizing I wanted to be a midwife, and then it took me getting ill to realize that at the moment, I really should just stick to what I know I can do, and do writing. Where it’ll take me, I don’t know, but I’m hoping to enjoy the adventure.

I only just realized today that I haven’t actually finished chapter one yet, so that’s my mission before I’m allowed to start on this strangely alluring chapter seven, which I really have no obvious plan for, so it could end up spiraling madly out of control. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited about writing it – I’m eager to see where my mind takes me when it doesn’t have a plan to stick to. Of course, it could go horribly wrong… but fingers crossed it won’t!